Monday, January 25, 2010

Meg's List of Creative Proposals

Having a cousin who recently became engaged (and STILL not knowing how he proposed) made us all curious about different kinds of proposals – some of the more unusual ones, the more creative ones, and even the romantic ones. Here are my top three favorite ideas for a proposal: 

If the man has been a bit of a chicken about getting married, and has a sense of humor, the “chicken proposal” may just be perfect. He should rent a large chicken or Big Bird costume and arrange to meet his beloved somewhere. It could be breakfast, lunch, dinner – whatever. He wears the costume to the arranged meeting place carrying a large egg. If he doesn’t want her to recognize his voice, he may want to use prewritten cards. The first could say something like he had been sent by a friend, with the second confirming that she is the woman he was sent for. He then hands her the egg, which has the ring inside along with a note that asks if she’ll marry him. This idea may not work for every couple but it is definitely unique and would go over very well with the right woman.

This second idea is for the man who’s marrying a teacher. It was done, in a similar way, by a man who won a contest for his creativity. With permission from the school’s principal, the man can propose over the school’s video system or just over the intercom. Once he announces his proposal, he should then head to her classroom and give her the ring in person and receive her answer there. For her, this could be very exciting as she gets to share it with her students and co-workers.

The last idea is my personal favorite. It is absolutely adorable and sure to win over any romantic’s heart. It must be set near horse riding stables and preferably have a beautiful setting. The man is to rent an old knight’s costume from a local costume shop and rent a horse to ride on (riding lessons may be necessary.) He rides up to her, gets off the horse, bends on one knee and asks to be her prince charming. What woman could say no to that?

Share your creative proposal with us or your dream proposal!
~ Meg

Additional Resources: and

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