Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's the small things

Tuesday night was my 25th wedding anniversary.  We didn't have anything big planned since we are planning to travel to Colorado in May and renew our vows with our son and our daughter standing at our sides.  The plan was no gifts and a simple dinner out to acknowledge the occassion.  Or so I was told.

One of us did not follow the plan.  He kissed me before he left for work that morning and told me to be ready to leave by 4:30.  I was still in bed, groggy, and alert enough to realize that seemed early, but not alert enough to question his request.  I had a busy day ahead and assumed (and you would too, if you knew my husband), that we were either having dinner early to beat the crowd (you know how crowed restaurants can get on a Tuesday night), or seeing a movie before dinner . . . a matinee to save a few dollars.  (Friends and family are snickering and nodding in understanding here).  It was 11:00am before I had time to consume my protein breakfast drink which left me feeling hungry around 3:00.  Not knowing what the evening's plans were, I sent a text to my husband, whom I knew was in a meeting, and asked if I should have a snack.  At about 4:00 he responded that dinner would be later, so yes, grabbing a bite would be a good idea.

At this point, I'm guessing dinner and a movie are on tap, but even when he arrived home at 4:30, he would not let me in on the agenda.  We traveled for about 40 minutes when I decided to ask if we were going to be in the car much longer.  When he responded with a yes, I reminded him that just prior to leaving I had consumed a protein shake (read liquid).  We made a brief stop and continued on.

I am now aware that we are headed toward either Milwaukee or Chicago and realize that if our destination is Chicago, he's planning to take me on a shopping spree because he did not ask me to pack : )  This thought was fleeting and solidified my Milwaukee assumption.

A destination!  We pull in front of The Capital Grille in downtown Milwaukee for valet parking and the valet asks if he is Mr. Jenkins with a tone that indicates he already believes him to be.  Finding it odd, I ask, "Come here often?" as we walk inside to be greeted by the hostess's "Are you Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins".  Our confirmation elicits a, "Happy Anniversary!" from both her and the coatcheck girl.  Something's up.

Arriving at our table, I notice a large bouquet of red roses and a card.  The roses are from my husband.  The card is from the staff of The Capital Grille.  Our server, Elizabeth, is excellent.  We discuss the menu and have a difficult time deciding on what to order.  I mention in passing that the Lobster Mac-n-Cheese sounds good, but opt for the Lobster Bisque and Filet Mignon.  The bread is all delicious, but there was a dark bread that was outstanding!  Another table attendant asked if we would like more bread; we declined believing we'd had enough, but I did ask what type of bread it was that we so enjoyed (Pumpernickel).

Our bread crumbs and saucers were cleared then moments later another bread basket arrived and was placed near me along with a fresh saucer. My husband and I were both curious so I peaked into the basket - full of pumpernickel!

We finish the soup/salad course and the main course is delivered.  The items we selected are placed in front of us with one additional dish.  Lobster Mac-n-Cheese on the house!  Everything was wonderfully prepared, but the Lobster dish was to die for.  Even my husband couldn't keep his fork out of it!

The massive amounts of excess food were carried away to be boxed for takehome.  My husband casually reaches down and says, "I did get you a little gift".  What?!  I thought we weren't doing gifts so the card I made (which I realize I've left in the car) is looking pretty pathetic now.  Anyway, "Little gift" was exactly that.  He presents me with a small box and says that he began a tradition on our tenth anniversary of buying me gifts of jewelry to mark major milestones.  (For our 10th, it was a diamond wrap for my engagement ring.  On our 20th, it was pearls he hand selected while in Singapore).  Boy, am I feeling like a heel at this point! 

The little gray box hid a pink sapphire and diamond ring!  He certainly surprised me with the entire evening; I had no idea he was planning something so wonderful and memorable.  And the jokes above alluding to him being a bit tight, well, I take those back : )  He can be, um, frugal, but when he buys me a gift or decides to take me out for a special evening, he goes all out.  If he were someone who threw money around all the time it would not be nearly so special.  Those little surprise moments are just one of the many reasons I love him and want to renew our vows after 25 years ~ I would marry him all over again.

And the rest of the story?  Well, the carrot cake we ordered was delivered along with another dessert on the house.  Our waitress said that every woman should have a little chocolate on her anniversy : )

The evening wrapped up with our waitress taking digital photos of us and placing them in The Capital Grille photo cards.  The chef greeted us and gave us tips on reheating.  Oh, and the worst part of the evening was my bad.  The measly card I had made?  Not in the car.  And not in the parking lot of the gas station we stopped at to potty on the way there (we looked just in case).  It's no where to be found.  We believe it fell from my lap when I exited the car and was carried off by the wind.  So, if you come across a slender black envelope that says, "Scott <3", please return it to us.  It says all I have to say to him,
I Love You, Forever.


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