Monday, January 18, 2010


The movie Monster-in-Law was able to make us laugh about the sometimes difficult relationship of mother-in-law / daughter-in-law.
Just hearing the word, “in-laws” generally induces a shudder. The suggestion has such a negative connotation that it is easy to form a stereotype about who these people are before you even meet them. However, that would be about the worst thing you can do before meeting your in-laws or getting to know them. Rule number one is that you need to give them a chance – even your mother-in-law. Especially your mother-in-law. It’s important to remember that she is the mother of your beloved…as in, she gave birth to him, raised him, watched him move away from home…a very important part of his life, possibly the most important woman in his life, until you came along. Try to understand where she’s coming from. Now, not all mothers-in-law are monsters. Some are generally well-wishing, kind and caring people. This blog is not about those women. This blog is about the mothers who seem to be out to make your life a living hell, whether that is their intention or not. It is an issue that cannot be overlooked for some brides and that’s why we’ve provided you with some tips for dealing with “monsters-in-law.”

· Ask your own mom for advice on handling your future mother-in-law; she may have some good insight.

· Talk to your future spouse about the issues you have with his mother as well. Not only should he be aware, he needs to realize that it is his responsibility too. Handling familial issues should not fall on your shoulders alone.  Word of caution:  Don't be condemning.  She's his mother, after all!
· Take your mother-in-law out to lunch, possibly with your fiancĂ© in tow, and discuss some of the ideas she has for the wedding. Making her feel included will at least let her know you are trying. She may be easier to work with that way, too.

· Grant some of her wishes for the wedding. You don’t need to, and shouldn’t, give in to all of them, especially if they are totally unreasonable. However, it’s good to compromise and make an effort.
· Most importantly, do not let her get in the way of your big day – the key word being YOUR. In the end, do what makes you happy and don’t let one person bring you down.


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