Monday, March 29, 2010

Meet our newest staff member!

Meet Liz!

Meet Liz Porter, one of Details' newest staff members!  Liz attends Capital University and is working towards a major in Marketing as well as a minor in Fine Arts.  She landed her role with Details, a professional planning company in Columbus, Ohio primarily due to her creative talents but, as you can tell from the photo, Liz has a beautiful smile and an engaging personality. 

Liz's title with Details is Client Specialist.  She'll soon be available to meet with potential clients and suppliers to answer any questions you may have about our services.

Check out Liz's first blog post below and be sure to give her a friendly welcome below the article, or on our Facebook fan page at Details Facebook.

Meet more new Details staff members in the days to come!

Say It With a Flower

Looking for wedding flowers, but not sure which are appropriate for the time of your wedding, how to choose them, or what they mean? Here are a few ideas for elegant flowers that are accepted and available all year round! These select flowers not only fit any style wedding, but they also have a symbolic meaning that connects to love. Sometimes it is hard to pick out flowers just by clicking through tons of pages on the internet, so take a second to look at these choices! Pick flowers to show your personality and flair while letting them have a special meaning in your heart! Have fun with your flowers, because it’s your special day!

Roses: Varying in color, Roses are one of the most popular flowers that are related to love. They are beautiful in white (meaning happy love), Red (Romantic Love, or “I Love You”), or even shown together in a bouquet (symbolizing love and unity). Being one of the most versatile flowers, natural colors of roses cover many of the popular wedding colors. Sticking with white is a safe bet to match anything! Not only are these flowers elegant in a bouquet, they also stand out by themselves as a single stemmed Rose.

Lilies: Calla Lilies can also stand beautifully by themselves. They are striking to look at for their ornate shape and simplistic yet outstanding style. Symbolic of weddings, devotion, and purity, this flower would be an excellent choice for your special day!

Gardenias: These elegant and graceful flowers are known to stand for loveliness. Not only do gardenias have a gorgeous look, they also fill the room with a sweet scent.

Dendrobium Orchids: Associated with wealth, love, and beauty, orchids are light flowers that show refinement and sophistication. They are a long lasting flower that you can proudly say will symbolize your long lasting relationship, with your soul mate!

Baby’s Breath- This tiny, simple flower can be added to a bouquet or center piece to embody innocence and gracefulness. Add a touch of detail by making a few simple flowers turn into a classic arrangement. Baby’s breath is symbolic of showing a pure heart and sincerity.

Forget Me Nots- Either Blue or White, these flowers are precious. No one will be able to forget your wedding with these flowers added into center pieces and bouquets. True love, hope, and memories are the meaning behind this delicate flower.

Share memories of your special occasion by giving flower arrangements to family and friends. Dried or placed on a table, you will be able to cherish your special moments with these simple yet elegant flowers!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seeing Red, Or Feeling Blue?

Selecting wedding colors is one of the easier decisions a bride has to make before many of the other elements are chosen.  And often, those colors are chosen based on the season of your wedding, your favorite color (check your closet!), or even the dominant color at your venue (peach and green anyone?).  But, have you given much thought to the meaning behind the colors you're considering? Individual colors produce a very distinctive response in many people.  Let's consider what the following colors might be saying to your guests and the impact they may have on the mood of your event.

Red - Associated with energy and power as well as passion, love, and desire.  Raises metabolism and blood pressure.
  • Pink - romance, love, friendship and passiveness
  • Dark Red - willpower, rage, leadership, courage
  • Brown - masculinity, stability
  • Reddish-brown - harvest
Orange - Combines the energy of red and happiness of yellow.  Associated with joy, sunshine, enthusiasm, creativity, success, endurance, and attraction.  Increases oxygen to the brain and invigorates mental activity.  Stimulates appetite.
  • Dark orange - deceit and distrust
  • Red-orange - sexual passion, pleasure
  • Gold - prestige, wisdom, wealth, high quality
Yellow - Associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.  Stimulates mental activity.  When overused, can cause a disturbing effect.  Indicates honor and loyalty, sometimes indicates cowardice and instability.
  • Dingy yellow - caution, decay, jealousy
  • Light yellow - intellect, freshness, and joy
Green - Symbolizes harmony and fertility.  Suggests stability, hope, and endurance.  Associated with money.
  • Dark green - ambition, greed
  • Yellow-green - discord, cowardice
  • Aqua - protection, healing
  • Olive green - peace
Blue - Symbolizes loyalty, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, heaven and stability.  Slows metabolism and produces a calming effect. 
  • Light blue - health, tranquility, understanding
  • Dark blue - knowledge, power, integrity, seriousness
Purple - Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red.  Symbolizes power, luxury, amibition, creativity, wisdom, and wealth.  Purple is very rare in nature.
  • Lavender - romance, nostalgia
  • Dark purple - gloom, sadness, frustration
White - Associated with light, goodness, purity, and virginity. Considered the color of perfection. Represents a successful beginning.  Represents faith.

Black - Associated with power, elegance, formality, death.

Are you rethinking your color scheme?  While this information is very interesting, don't let it deter you from using colors that make YOU feel good on your special day.

Want to play around with combinations?  Check out Bliss Weddings for their wedding color palette tool then drop us a line and let us know what you've selected!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Matt's Military Special!

A wonderful young man just completed a grueling Army Ranger school training and to recognize his accomplishment, Details is offering a Military Special of 20% off any services contracted - wedding planning (including destination), graduations, invitations, and more.  Services must be booked by April 30, 2010 with an event date prior to April 30, 2011.  Call us at 920.364.0212 or 614.448.1253 or email us at to learn more or to schedule your complimentary initial consultation!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our new Rewards Program

Our Rewards Club

These days, it seems that every business has a Rewards Club.  You know, they collect your information, give you one of those little cards to add to the collection on your keychain, and everytime you shop with them they give you a discount or bonus points for future purchases or gifts. 

Meg was visiting this week and, of course, we had to make at least a quick trip to the mall - and unfortunately, it was VERY quick.  It was mid-afternoon and we still had several hours of work ahead of us so, it should go without saying, that we needed a little pick-me-up.  All females reading this realize that means chocolate.  How convenient that we be approaching a Godiva Chocolatier at that very moment!  After spending $9 for what were basically two small Reese Cups, they graciously extended to us an offer to join their Rewards Club.  I heard only two words from the salesperson's entire spiel - free chocolate.  If you allow them to bombard you will emails you can receive a free selection - your selection - of chocolate each month.  I was willing to sacrifice.

I began to feel that Details might be missing the boat, a grand promotional opportunity, by not offering a Rewards Card.  But how should this work?  Buy four weddings get the fifth free?  That does not seem logical.

The first decision was to ditch the keycard.  Who needs another one of those?!  (If you feel this is absolutely necessary for you to feel like a true Details Rewards Member, we would be happy to create one for you).  At this point in my marketing scheme, I had eliminated the keycard and the incentive of repeat business.  The Details Reward Program was sinking!

I know this suspense has you griping your Iphone and frantically scrolling to learn the outcome so I will spare you no more.  Here's how YOU, Yes, YOU too, can become a member of the Details Rewards Club:

  1. Email us at and include your name, mailing address, phone, and email address. You will receive email confirmation of your inclusion into the Details Rewards Club.
  2. For every qualified lead you provide (see below for definition of 'qualified lead') you will earn points.
    • Provide name, mailing address, phone, and email address for a bride and/or groom.  If the couple consents to a consultation with Details you will earn 10pts. 
    • Provide name, mailing address, phone, and email address of a high level sales and/or marketing manager in a mid to large-sized company.  If the person consents to a consultation with Details you will earn 20pts.
    • Provide name, mailing address, phone, and email address of an individual or group who is planning a special event.  If the person consents to a consultation with Details you will earn 10pts.
    • If your lead signs a contract with Details, you will earn and additional 10pts.
    • Invitation orders do qualify.
  3. Points can be redemed upon the following:
    1. 30pts = $25 Starbucks Gift Card or Gift Card
    2. 100pts = $100 Starbucks Gift Card or Gift Card

:) Jami