Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Rewards Club

These days, it seems that every business has a Rewards Club.  You know, they collect your information, give you one of those little cards to add to the collection on your keychain, and everytime you shop with them they give you a discount or bonus points for future purchases or gifts. 

Meg was visiting this week and, of course, we had to make at least a quick trip to the mall - and unfortunately, it was VERY quick.  It was mid-afternoon and we still had several hours of work ahead of us so, it should go without saying, that we needed a little pick-me-up.  All females reading this realize that means chocolate.  How convenient that we be approaching a Godiva Chocolatier at that very moment!  After spending $9 for what were basically two small Reese Cups, they graciously extended to us an offer to join their Rewards Club.  I heard only two words from the salesperson's entire spiel - free chocolate.  If you allow them to bombard you will emails you can receive a free selection - your selection - of chocolate each month.  I was willing to sacrifice.

I began to feel that Details might be missing the boat, a grand promotional opportunity, by not offering a Rewards Card.  But how should this work?  Buy four weddings get the fifth free?  That does not seem logical.

The first decision was to ditch the keycard.  Who needs another one of those?!  (If you feel this is absolutely necessary for you to feel like a true Details Rewards Member, we would be happy to create one for you).  At this point in my marketing scheme, I had eliminated the keycard and the incentive of repeat business.  The Details Reward Program was sinking!

I know this suspense has you griping your Iphone and frantically scrolling to learn the outcome so I will spare you no more.  Here's how YOU, Yes, YOU too, can become a member of the Details Rewards Club:

  1. Email us at and include your name, mailing address, phone, and email address. You will receive email confirmation of your inclusion into the Details Rewards Club.
  2. For every qualified lead you provide (see below for definition of 'qualified lead') you will earn points.
    • Provide name, mailing address, phone, and email address for a bride and/or groom.  If the couple consents to a consultation with Details you will earn 10pts. 
    • Provide name, mailing address, phone, and email address of a high level sales and/or marketing manager in a mid to large-sized company.  If the person consents to a consultation with Details you will earn 20pts.
    • Provide name, mailing address, phone, and email address of an individual or group who is planning a special event.  If the person consents to a consultation with Details you will earn 10pts.
    • If your lead signs a contract with Details, you will earn and additional 10pts.
    • Invitation orders do qualify.
  3. Points can be redemed upon the following:
    1. 30pts = $25 Starbucks Gift Card or Gift Card
    2. 100pts = $100 Starbucks Gift Card or Gift Card

:) Jami

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