Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seeing Red, Or Feeling Blue?

Selecting wedding colors is one of the easier decisions a bride has to make before many of the other elements are chosen.  And often, those colors are chosen based on the season of your wedding, your favorite color (check your closet!), or even the dominant color at your venue (peach and green anyone?).  But, have you given much thought to the meaning behind the colors you're considering? Individual colors produce a very distinctive response in many people.  Let's consider what the following colors might be saying to your guests and the impact they may have on the mood of your event.

Red - Associated with energy and power as well as passion, love, and desire.  Raises metabolism and blood pressure.
  • Pink - romance, love, friendship and passiveness
  • Dark Red - willpower, rage, leadership, courage
  • Brown - masculinity, stability
  • Reddish-brown - harvest
Orange - Combines the energy of red and happiness of yellow.  Associated with joy, sunshine, enthusiasm, creativity, success, endurance, and attraction.  Increases oxygen to the brain and invigorates mental activity.  Stimulates appetite.
  • Dark orange - deceit and distrust
  • Red-orange - sexual passion, pleasure
  • Gold - prestige, wisdom, wealth, high quality
Yellow - Associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.  Stimulates mental activity.  When overused, can cause a disturbing effect.  Indicates honor and loyalty, sometimes indicates cowardice and instability.
  • Dingy yellow - caution, decay, jealousy
  • Light yellow - intellect, freshness, and joy
Green - Symbolizes harmony and fertility.  Suggests stability, hope, and endurance.  Associated with money.
  • Dark green - ambition, greed
  • Yellow-green - discord, cowardice
  • Aqua - protection, healing
  • Olive green - peace
Blue - Symbolizes loyalty, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, heaven and stability.  Slows metabolism and produces a calming effect. 
  • Light blue - health, tranquility, understanding
  • Dark blue - knowledge, power, integrity, seriousness
Purple - Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red.  Symbolizes power, luxury, amibition, creativity, wisdom, and wealth.  Purple is very rare in nature.
  • Lavender - romance, nostalgia
  • Dark purple - gloom, sadness, frustration
White - Associated with light, goodness, purity, and virginity. Considered the color of perfection. Represents a successful beginning.  Represents faith.

Black - Associated with power, elegance, formality, death.

Are you rethinking your color scheme?  While this information is very interesting, don't let it deter you from using colors that make YOU feel good on your special day.

Want to play around with combinations?  Check out Bliss Weddings for their wedding color palette tool then drop us a line and let us know what you've selected!


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