Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meet Nicole!

Hi, my name is Nicole Wirth. I am a recent grad from UW-Stevens Point with a

Bachelor's in Interior Architecture. I love being creative, helping people with

design and decor, and have a bit of perfectionist in me..always making sure things

are complete, orderly, and running smoothly. In college I was always called the

overachiever. (Which can be good and bad, I guess!?) I needed to get things done

as soon and as efficiently as I could. It’s really helped throughout the years and

is a quality that can be used in any profession.

Jami's business has really helped me learn what being a professional event planner

is all about...and that the Details, really make or break any event. I've been

learning a ton about planning at the moment, because I am engaged and have been in

the midst of planning my own wedding. It's a great learning tool to get a feel for

the event planning business, what type of vendors are out there, and how to work on

a tight budget.

My fiance and I have been together since high school and are excited to see what’s in

store for us. We are currently living in Greenville, and will probably stay there

forever. Way to be adventurous, right?! Well, his family has a business in

Greenville, so it keeps us pretty grounded in the Appleton area, which really, is

fine with me. Appleton is a great area and new opportunities always seem to come

up. We hope to get many opportunities to travel in the next few years. We consider

a vacation somewhere hot, with beaches, and really good fruity drinks!  We hope to

have kids in the next few years, as well. Lots of plans ahead of us!

In my free family has a cabin up in Shawano on Legend Lake, which I love

visiting. I spend as many weekends as I can up there with friends and family. I love

going boating, bargain shopping, taking walks, doing crafty things, and spending as

much time as I can with those closest to me.

Aside from helping Jami with events, I currently work for Realon Real Estate, in the

Appleton area; completing all aspects of advertising within each listing. I am also

an interior design assistant at Absolutely Yours Interiors in Appleton where I help

each designer with floor plans, choosing furniture, fabrics, colors, etc.

Throughout the years, I’ve learned how much I pay attention to details and how

critical they are in every project I’ve completed. This lead me to become a staffer

for Jami.

I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me! I look forward to working events

in the future and hope you have a great holiday season!

What a cool display for your cardbox!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things that irk your wedding guests


Detours.  Don't you hate them?  You're cruising along smoothly when all of a sudden something beyond your control mandates that your plans be changed.  This recently happened to me at, of course, what I thought to be terrible timing, but I am a believer in the old statement, "Things happen for a reason". 

I was cruising along 5 weeks into a 9 week weight loss challenge - and winning - and one week away from a major event we were handling.  When bam!  It hit me!  Yes, it literally hit me.  I had been working out in my basement (concrete floor) on my mini trampoline (socks only) with hand weights.  Finished with the weights, I placed them on a table next to the trampline then stepped of first with my right foot.  They say timing is everything and it certainly was for at the same moment my foot touched the floor, one of the weights rolled off the table and end-up square on my big toe.  It hurt baaadddd

I iced the goose-egg that was trying to show itself and watched the brusing encompass much of my foot - top, bottom, and end.  I assumed nothing was broken and hobbled in flipflops for the next week before finally becoming concerned that the pain was increasing instead of decreasing.  A trip to the doctor with x-rays confirmed that my big toe (or as the doctor referred to it, "The Great One") was broken at the first joint.  "A month," she said.  A month?  I didn't have a month!  I had events to coordinate and exercise to endure!

Detour.  Now, three weeks later, I am still hobbling around, watching my bruising diminish, and becoming more impatient.  While being on my feet for 15 hours for that big event was probably a setback, everything turned out beautifully and we received lots of great compliments.  As for the weight loss, well it has obviously slowed considerably which means not only will I not win the challenge, but I'll not reach the 9 week goal I had set for myself, but it will come eventually.

So why do I share this personal story on a wedding blog?  I want to share my lessons with you in hope that you will learn from my recent challenges.
  1. Detours happen.  Even when planning fairytale weddings.
  2. It is not the end of the world.  As a matter of fact, the changes will probably be better.
  3. You don't have to do it all alone.  I learned of strengths my staff had that I didn't know they possessed until I was forced to give up some control to them.  (Great job, Meg!)
  4. Examine your priorities.  I signed up to lose 10lbs in 9 weeks and 5 weeks in I had lost 7.  Even with a broken toe and next to nil exercise, I am down 12lbs in 8 weeks.  I had lost site of the fact that my goal was not to win the challenge itself, but to win in my personal goals of weight loss, which I've already done.  Yes, I want to lose about 5 more, but I have the tools to make it happen now.
~ Jami

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Meet Meg!

Well, I believe I am the last blogger to submit my information…which says something about me right off the bat.  I am a horrible procrastinator! If ever a blog is late, it is usually my fault.  I was supposed to have this “fun bio” finished approximately three weeks ago…good thing Mom is “the boss.” That’s right – Jami is my mom.  

My name is Meg and I’m part time staff for Details because I’m a full time college student in Columbus, Ohio.  I attend a small, private school called Capital University and I absolutely love it!  My majors are public relations and political science pre-law.  I like to think doing work for Details – planning weddings, events, etc – is good for my public relations major.  Kind of like intern work except I get paid and does it count if you work for your mom…? I guess we’ll see. It’s good experience working with people, if nothing else.  I really love the creative side of this business too…it’s really fun helping a bride express herself and show her personality through her wedding.  Of course, everyone is different so every wedding is different which means we’re never doing the same thing. 

Hmm…what else can I tell you about myself? One of my favorite things to do is go on adventures with my friends.  We just pick a place and drive and drive until we find something to do.  I guess it’s the spontaneity that we love and just being together.  That says something about my perspective on life, at least at the moment.  I know that there are certain things in life that need to be done – like going to class, writing papers, studying for tests…all that kind of stuff but I also don’t want to let life pass me by.  When I look back on this time that I’ve spent in college, I want to know that I made the most of it.  I like to make the most of everything really. 

Something else that is really important to me is my family.  Since I don’t live anywhere close to my immediate family or close to my extended family either, for that matter, I try to see them as much as possible when the opportunity presents itself.

I think those are the most important things about me.  Thanks for listening and continue to visit our blog for great tips and tricks!


Monday, October 19, 2009

I love spandex for events. What a clean look and the colors are awesome!
Considering event insurance? Not a bad idea with companies going out of business
Help with selecting your wedding colors

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"I already have a wedding planner. She's with my venue."

Don't Let This Become You!

I recently spoke with a bride who was excited to announce she already had a wedding planner - through her venue.  My first thought was, "Oh, you have no idea!", but I very briefly explained the difference without trying to sound like I was making a sales pitch.  I honestly feel for brides who expect their venue-supplied wedding planner to actually fulfill that role. 

Ladies, a venue "wedding planner" is not a professional, full-service wedding planner looking out for your best interest!  The "wedding planner" supplied by the venue is a sales person who has been hired to promote their venue as a viable option to the wedding market.  This wedding salesperson will provide the following services:
  • Provide a tour of the venue
  • Make menu recommendations
  • Create your Banquet Event Order outlining your event specifics
  • Arrange for a tasting
  • Oversee setup as it pertains to the venue responsibilities
  • Act as a liaison between your professional wedding planner and the venue staff
  • Communicate to the venue staff contract specifications
  • Process your invoices
Depending on the services you select, a professional wedding planner (Details included!) will provide the following services:
  • Act as your personal representative with your venue and other suppliers (baker, photographer, florist, etc.)
  • Recommend suppliers that meet your budget, style and personality
  • Pass along discounts provided to the planner by the suppliers
  • Negotiate contracts (including with the venue "wedding planner")
  • Preview facilities to ensure layout will work for your event
  • Meet with suppliers along with bride and/or groom and, if necessary, meet with suppliers in place of the bride and groom
  • Assist with etiquette and protocal
  • Create timelines and keep everyone on track
  • Manage your total budget
  • Create a supplier payment schedule with reminders sent in advance to the person responsible for payment
  • Create room layouts
  • Design all printed pieces to ensure cohesive look from start to finish
  • Design decor for ceremony and reception (and rehearsal dinner, engagement parties, etc)
  • Act as liaison between family members and bridal party
  • Stuff, address, stamp and mail invitations
  • Track rsvps
  • Direct the rehearsal
  • Direcet the ceremony
  • Direct the reception
  • Secure room blocks and arrange for transportation
  • Oversee all setup and teardown
  • Be onsite throughout entire event
  • Review final catering bill for accuracy
Ask yourself this one question:  Who is signing the paycheck of the venue "wedding planner"? 

I hope this clarifies any confusion, but should you have questions, please contact us at

~ Jami

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Link to Our Graphics Samples

Details offers custom design services to ensure your theme is evident on every element from start to finish.  You can view samples by clicking here to be taken to our graphics site.  Or you can click the link at left.

Details can easily provide graphics services anywhere in the United States.  A new website offers private viewing to customers.  Ask us for a quote on your next printed items!

Meet Carolyn!

My name is Carolyn Fraser and I’m the Marketing Director for ACME Corp. Production Resources. We provide dramatic lighting décor for events. I’ve worked at ACME for 2 years, and I really enjoy being a part of the events industry and working with brides, planners like Jami, caterers, and more.

In my free time I like to keep busy with many different activities and hobbies. I love tennis, and have played on a number of different teams and leagues throughout the years. I also began training for a marathon two years ago, but life and work got in the way, so I haven’t made it to the finish line yet. I do hope to one day complete that goal and run my first race! In the meantime I also experiment with my creative, artistic side once in awhile, through abstract painting. I am a movie buff as well. I love romantic comedies, horror movies, and psychological thrillers. The whole experience of seeing a new movie in the theater (complete with popcorn of course) is so fun, and maybe because I was an Advertising major, I can never miss the previews!
Overall, I am a very social person and love to go out with my friends and spend time with my boyfriend when I’m not working at ACME.

This photo was taken at the Milwaukee Auto Show this past summer, where I got to see a Smart Car up close and personal. Before that, I thought my Mazda 3 was small! No pun intended, but I chose this picture to demonstrate that I have a creative drive and a passion for connecting with people. This can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, as I often try to be in three places at once; between work, social life, and taking on volunteer projects, I occasionally bite off more than I can chew. At least I’ve learned how to organize and manage my time.

On that note, I’ll wrap up by saying that I am looking forward to contributing as a guest blogger for Details! Hopefully you will enjoy learning more about our world, through reading advice and perspectives from a number of different experts within the events industry. We want you to have fun while gaining some important information along the way. Please provide comments and feedback on what you would like to hear from us. Please also visit ACME’s website and connect with us through our social media sites: Twitter @acmemilwaukee, Facebook, and our company blog.
Thanks for reading!

~ Carolyn

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beautiful hair accessories for the bride

Monday, October 12, 2009

Go green for your wedding

It's Not Easy Being Green. Or Is It?

Our mascot, Prince, believes it's easy to be green and so do we.  There are a lot of options to reducing waste and treading lightly on our earth, even when it involves the biggest party of your life.  Here are a few ideas:

  • Donate leftover food rather than throwing it out.  If you call your local shelter in advance, they often can make arrangements to have someone pick it up from your venue.
  • Register only for what you need then give your guests the name of your favorite charity they can donate to in your name.
  • Instead of favors, leave a card at each placesetting stating your donation to a charity in their name.
  • Select a green favor - saplings, seeds, bamboo stalk, etc.
  • Minimize the amount of driving your guests need to do by either hosting both ceremony and reception in one location, or by providing a shuttle.
  • Use recycled papers for your printed items or consider sending e-invites (Details has an exclusive discount with
  • Create a personal website (some are offered free) and allow guests to rsvp online rather than send response cards.
  • Go retro with your ring by purchasing an antique.  If you don't like the style, you can save the stone and have the metal melted down and redesigned to fit your personal style.
  • Purchase locally, organically grown flowers which trims transit and pesticides.
Share your own green ideas with us!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just how much is too much? I think this dress qualifies
I love looking at wedding cake ideas! There are some really talented people out there, like Ron Ben-Israel

Monday, October 5, 2009

The first issue of Wedbits a monthly newsletter for brides who want to know, if available for viewing Wedbits for brides -

Wedding Trends and Tips for 2010 Brides

If you are planning a 2010 wedding, like most of those brides, you’re probably curious as to what the trends are and how you can pull off the look for less money. Let me start by saying that I would much rather a bride come to me with a budget – no matter how high or low – so that I can use my creative skills and deliver an amazingly beautiful event. Weddings in 2010 will be focusing on your style and interests as a couple, creating a highly personalized memory for you and your guests.

Homemade wedding favors are a way to still offer a small thank you to your guests without blowing your budget. Don’t have the time, interest, or skill to pull this off? At Details, it is one of the services we offer – researching suggestions and even producing the favors themselves. I encourage brides to gift a consumable wrapped in lovely packaging. Nobody needs another trinket! Aren't these great? Stuff them with whatever your heart desires!

Mismatched bridesmaid dresses are a popular trend that makes sense on several levels. For instance, many designers offer a color and fabric swatch book which can be used for any dress in their line. Select a color from the swatch book and let your bridesmaids select the style of dress that looks best on their body type. Or, do the reverse by selecting the style and let them pick the color (within a range so it doesn’t look like a rainbow!) You can use the latter method and they can purchase an off the rack dress. Just make sure to set the formality level before they shop.

Start planning a year in advance if at all possible. This not only reduces stress, but allows you time to make good decisions and shop for deals.

Floral needs can take a huge bite out of your budget. By thinking seasonally and using flowers that are in season in your local area, you can reduce costs tremendously. Also, there are some amazing centerpiece options that are easily created with items from hardware and dollar stores. A good planner should be able to share these options with you and even create them during (or before) setup. I admit, I'm gaga over the sample at the right! Let your favors be the centerpiece!

Dessert buffets and candy stations are popular for good reason. Both offer lots of options for guests, a lovely, colorful display, and a lower cost than the traditional wedding cake. Sold on having a cake? Purchase a smaller cake and elevate it on a lovely cake stand for presence. Have several smaller cakes beautifully made and display on stands of varying heights! Make this even more of an eye catcher by adding colorful lighting.

Scratch the disposable cameras. You’ll end up with poor photos, shots you wish you had never seen, and paying for processing of only a few images. Not to mention the cost of the cameras themselves! I know it sounds tacky, but it’s not – hire a photobooth! You’ll get some really fun shots that you’ll cherish the rest of your lives and your friends will have a great time playing in it.

Think outside the box for your wedding gown. Realistically, you’re going to wear this once and pack it away. Consider renting, purchasing a used gown (some have never been worn!), or vintage. Another option is to gather photos of your dream look and hire a seamstress or fashion design student to create your custom look. Work with a local design school and offer a contest for the design of your dress offering a cash payout.
Tux shops often give one free rental for signing your wedding party. Pass this savings on to the father-of-the bride who's footing the bill!
"The Office" has a big wedding on Thursday! Take a peak at Pam's dress

Friday, October 2, 2009

Check out these beautiful cake toppers! Oohh-la-la!
Etiquette says to leave their names off the inviation if you don't want children attending. Afraid you're guests won't get it? On the rsvp, state, "We hope the two of you will be able to join us."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Hello, My Name Is . . ."

Sometimes it's nice to know a little bit about the people behind the blogs you read so we're going to take the opportunity over the next few weeks to get a little personal with you. We'll still have our regular tip article on Mondays, but midweek be sure to check back and meet our bloggers and our staff. So, let's get this party started!

I'm Jami and I'm the owner of Details. My degree is in graphic design, but in 1996 I was hijacked by a Fortune 500 company to plan their national sales meeting. I not only single-handedly coordinated the event, but I also created all of the print design that was associated with event, including a training manual. From there, a new passion and career was born. But, that's boring stuff! On to what is really important . . .

Average has never been a goal. To me, being average is like drinking bottled water that has been left in your hot car all day. I have one, and only one, husband and two children - none of which are average, they're exceptional! : ) I have one dog and three cats and trust me, none of them are averge either.

My favorite colors are green, purple, and zebra. If you've never done a study in color personality, you should, it's awesome. My mix pretty well sums me up. Zebra is awesome because it reminds me that God not only is creative, he likes to have a little fun, too. Seriously, black and white stripes on a horse, how cool is that!?

My favorite flower is the tulip. I like the simple elegance on the outside with the surprise inside - a little like me : ) The bright red ones with the shiny black star in the center are my favorites. Deliveries are accepted.

One of the first adjectives my family would probably use to describe me is compulsive. There is . . .

  1. an off position for a light switch; it is down.

  2. a correct way to place toilet tissue on a holder; over, not under.

  3. a correct way to place a plate which has a directional pattern; the pattern should be facing you.

  4. a reason there are doors on closets and cabinets which is not so they can be left open.

  5. a reason they make matching bras and panties.

  6. a reason companies create rugs with fringe; to drive people like me crazy as we're constantly combing the tangles!
