Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Hello, My Name Is . . ."

Sometimes it's nice to know a little bit about the people behind the blogs you read so we're going to take the opportunity over the next few weeks to get a little personal with you. We'll still have our regular tip article on Mondays, but midweek be sure to check back and meet our bloggers and our staff. So, let's get this party started!

I'm Jami and I'm the owner of Details. My degree is in graphic design, but in 1996 I was hijacked by a Fortune 500 company to plan their national sales meeting. I not only single-handedly coordinated the event, but I also created all of the print design that was associated with event, including a training manual. From there, a new passion and career was born. But, that's boring stuff! On to what is really important . . .

Average has never been a goal. To me, being average is like drinking bottled water that has been left in your hot car all day. I have one, and only one, husband and two children - none of which are average, they're exceptional! : ) I have one dog and three cats and trust me, none of them are averge either.

My favorite colors are green, purple, and zebra. If you've never done a study in color personality, you should, it's awesome. My mix pretty well sums me up. Zebra is awesome because it reminds me that God not only is creative, he likes to have a little fun, too. Seriously, black and white stripes on a horse, how cool is that!?

My favorite flower is the tulip. I like the simple elegance on the outside with the surprise inside - a little like me : ) The bright red ones with the shiny black star in the center are my favorites. Deliveries are accepted.

One of the first adjectives my family would probably use to describe me is compulsive. There is . . .

  1. an off position for a light switch; it is down.

  2. a correct way to place toilet tissue on a holder; over, not under.

  3. a correct way to place a plate which has a directional pattern; the pattern should be facing you.

  4. a reason there are doors on closets and cabinets which is not so they can be left open.

  5. a reason they make matching bras and panties.

  6. a reason companies create rugs with fringe; to drive people like me crazy as we're constantly combing the tangles!


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