Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meet Nicole!

Hi, my name is Nicole Wirth. I am a recent grad from UW-Stevens Point with a

Bachelor's in Interior Architecture. I love being creative, helping people with

design and decor, and have a bit of perfectionist in me..always making sure things

are complete, orderly, and running smoothly. In college I was always called the

overachiever. (Which can be good and bad, I guess!?) I needed to get things done

as soon and as efficiently as I could. It’s really helped throughout the years and

is a quality that can be used in any profession.

Jami's business has really helped me learn what being a professional event planner

is all about...and that the Details, really make or break any event. I've been

learning a ton about planning at the moment, because I am engaged and have been in

the midst of planning my own wedding. It's a great learning tool to get a feel for

the event planning business, what type of vendors are out there, and how to work on

a tight budget.

My fiance and I have been together since high school and are excited to see what’s in

store for us. We are currently living in Greenville, and will probably stay there

forever. Way to be adventurous, right?! Well, his family has a business in

Greenville, so it keeps us pretty grounded in the Appleton area, which really, is

fine with me. Appleton is a great area and new opportunities always seem to come

up. We hope to get many opportunities to travel in the next few years. We consider

a vacation somewhere hot, with beaches, and really good fruity drinks!  We hope to

have kids in the next few years, as well. Lots of plans ahead of us!

In my free family has a cabin up in Shawano on Legend Lake, which I love

visiting. I spend as many weekends as I can up there with friends and family. I love

going boating, bargain shopping, taking walks, doing crafty things, and spending as

much time as I can with those closest to me.

Aside from helping Jami with events, I currently work for Realon Real Estate, in the

Appleton area; completing all aspects of advertising within each listing. I am also

an interior design assistant at Absolutely Yours Interiors in Appleton where I help

each designer with floor plans, choosing furniture, fabrics, colors, etc.

Throughout the years, I’ve learned how much I pay attention to details and how

critical they are in every project I’ve completed. This lead me to become a staffer

for Jami.

I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me! I look forward to working events

in the future and hope you have a great holiday season!


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