Friday, January 21, 2011

Healthy for Your Wedding Day

Last week was miserable. I got stranded in two airports trying to fly to our Columbus office only to arrive at 2:00 a.m. Sick. I spent the next two solid days in bed and the next ten on medication to get well. It hit me hard and fast.

So that made we wonder, “What if the same thing were to happen to a bride or groom just prior to their wedding day?” The last thing anyone wants is to be sick for their wedding!
First, how to stay well -

  1. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies, get your dairy, and some of that protein stuff, too
  2. Avoid sugar
  3. Consider becoming obsessive about washing your hands
  4. Take a multi-vitamin
  5. Consider getting a flu shot or flu mist
  6. Exercise moderately
  7. Get plenty of rest
  8. Get plenty of rest
  9. Get plenty of rest
  10. And . . . don't stress :)

What to do if you DO get sick -

  1. Drink lots of fluids
  2. Get plenty of rest
  3. Get plenty of rest
  4. Get plenty of rest
  5. And . . . don't stress
It sounds pretty simple - both the staying healthy and the getting healthy - but as simple as each of those things are, how many of you are over taxing your body by working out too hard, not getting 8 hours of sleep, and either over-indulging in food due to stress or starving yourselves to make sure you fit in the dress? Scale back and make taking care of yourself your number one priority.

A healthy bride glows from within!

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