Monday, August 9, 2010

So You've Been Asked to be the Best Man...

Do a Google search on Best Man Duties and you'll find plenty of information - most with unrealistic expectations of what you're truly going to be asked to do and what you're willing to do.  Seriously, no bride is going to ask you to help pick out the tuxes!  Organize the fittings?  Yeah, right!

So realistically, what is your role?

A)  Talk your groom into hiring a wedding planner.  While true, this is a shameful tactic of garnering business for my industry, it is also our hand of friendship extended to you, the Best Man, in an effort to save you from doing mundane tasks leading up to and the day of the wedding so that you can focus on the hot chick on the dance floor.  Trust us.  Enlist the help of the Maid of Honor in your campaign for a wedding planner; she'll thank us too.

B) So by covering Item A, you are now able to cross about 8 things off of your Best Man To-Do list.  Moving on to the serious stuff that you might actually want to do, let's start with planning the bachelor party.  Yes, I'd thought you'd like that.  And, if you're totally unorganized (or just an awesome delegator) you can call a planner for that too. (Ask us about opportunities at Lambeau Field!)

C) Be a confidant of the groom.  We're not talking necessarily about the sappy stuff, although that may happen too, we're talking about just being there for him to bounce ideas.

D) Most Best Men are called upon to give a toast or speech.  If you've been asked to do so, give it some real thought and practice.  Off the cuff really doesn't work well.

E) Pay attention during the rehearsal.  You actually have an important job the day of the wedding . . . you're the keeper of the rings (the ring bearer is usually just there to look cute) so you'd better follow directions during the rehearsal so you understand the expectations.

F) Help the groom get dressed.  This may be literal or not, but in any case, you're expected to be there and be his right-hand man.  The most important part of this?  Help him stay relaxed, be his coach, psychiatrist, whatever he requires at the time.

G) Sign the marriage license as a witness.  That's why you're there! 

The groom selected you because you add value to his life and he wants you, out of his many friends, to stand beside him on this special day.  Take this seriously and relish the momentous occasion of which you are honored to be a part.


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