Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So You've Fallen for a Techie

I admit that sometimes my brain is fried and I struggle to come up with a blog topic that will be informative and fun for our readers.  We've been very busy the last few weeks and, obviously, we did not get a post up last Monday and we're behind again this week, so the pressure was/is on to produce something that will engage you.  Then, BAM! (Who says that?  Emeril?) an idea hits you like a rock between the eyes.  This particular rock was courtesy of my 18 year old son, who sent me the photo below. If nothing else, I hope you find the post entertaining, whether you are a techie, you love a techie, or you just know a techie.

This is a "code" cupcake tree!

The image brought a smile to my face, especially since it came from my son.  Now, he's not usually into this whole "wedding thing", but obviously, he found this image entertaining and wanted to share it with me.  His future wedding cake?  I don't know, but what I do know is this...
  • A tech-theme is sure to put a smile on your guests' faces and to create a memory for both you and them.
  • This could be a great way to get the groom involved and excited about the festivities that come before the honeymoon.
  • The possibilities are endless, even if the budget is not.
So what would be some options for creating that tech feel?  I've listed a few below, but please, share your ideas with us, too!
  • Spectacular lighting will be huge in pulling off this theme.  Your lighting supplier (not the DJ!) and your planner can provide you will a multitude of options. And if your budget allows, incorporate LED lit cocktail tables and bars!
  • Use a real audio visual company to discuss options for various screens in a variety of locations which are capturing the action live.  Perfect when Uncle Joe has had too many drinks and begins to dance!
  • Lit "ice" cubes.  Not so high-tech, but certainly adds to the fun factor.
  • Dancing...are you in to techno music :) Some suppliers also have lit dance floors.
  • For centerpieces, why not incorporate hardware into the floral designs as well as LEDs?
  • Ah yes, and that video presentation that everyone is doing?  Why not make yours a 3-D experience :)
  • Favors are easy.  At any given time there's a vast array of techie gadgets or lookalikes (think Iphone cookies or motherboard photo frames) that can be shared with your guests.
The most important thing to remember is that this is YOUR day.  Express who you are, have some fun, and create a memory.


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