Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It’s your wedding day…put your best face forward!

It must be every bride’s nightmare that on her wedding day she will wake up with an enormous blemish on her face. The scrambling to camouflage that embarrassing third eye or begging the photographer to Photoshop your face is something that can be prevented so that you can be the radiant and glowing bride you have dreamt of! As an esthetician, brides come to me in a panic that their skin is dull, lagging, and scaly and they need help fixing it…but sadly by the time they come to see me (usually a week before the wedding for the makeup trial application) it is just not enough time for a quick fix. Here are some helpful tips on how to achieve the healthiest skin for a result you can be rest assured will help you sleep at night!
Cleanse twice a day with a non-soap based cleanser fit for your skin type (gel works great for oily skin, cream is better for dry skin). If you can only cleanse once a day make sure it is before you go to bed. While we sleep the magic skin fairy comes and helps repair the daily damage so it’s easier if she’s working on a clean palate.

Tone your skin after cleansing! On the technical side of things, your skin has a natural pH balance around 5 on the pH scale…product, environment, and temperature all do things to throw the pH balance off. Keep bringing your skin back to home base in order to maintain proper function and product efficiency.

Exfoliate! This is my passion and I firmly believe so many skin issues can be cleared up with exfoliation. Exfoliating removes the dead cells that just sort of hang out and cause issues. Imagine the crust at the top of a volcano…once the magma (bacteria) heats up and wants to get out you’re going to have quite the show on your face.  If you exfoliate you are removing the dead cells so that you will have less blemishes, and acne. Your cleanser will be able to penetrate into the pores better and the underlying cells will have a chance to live and breathe! You are giving life to something hidden under the surface essentially. You will want to exfoliate twice a week – be sure not to over-do it though as over-exfoliating (daily) can cause small tears in the skin. Also, be careful when winning packages from medical-esthetics offices that offer microderm abrasion kits etc. Do your research on the effects and keep in mind the side effects before agreeing to the procedures.

Moisturize – even if you have an oily complexion. If you deny the skin moisture it will essentially freak out and try to overcompensate for what you are not giving it – hence the oil slick! If you have an oily complexion just pick out a moisturizer that is oil-free so that it is lighter. Be sure to apply moisturizer before your skin gets that dry and crackly feeling so that it can penetrate and get to work faster!

Those tips are just the ‘outside-in’ guides, so keep in mind all lifestyle factors (inside-out) as well and incorporate healthy habits because after all you really are what you eat! Drink plenty of water, eat foods rich in healthy fats (avocado, fish, nuts, dark leaf veggies and bright colored fruits), and get moderate exercise to purge toxins out!

Don’t be afraid to ask your esthetician questions about your skin – it is the most important day of your life and we want to help you look phenomenal!

~ Brooke (licensed esthetician & owner of b.scrubbed natural face and body exfoliants)

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