Monday, July 13, 2009

Determine Your Budget

It seems as though everyone is trying to figure out how to better manage their budget these days. Engaged couples are no exception. Planning a wedding is a huge undertaking and the first, and most important, thing couples need to do is set their budget. The average wedding costs $28,000 – an incredibly large sum of money! It isn’t an easy task, deciding how much to spend on your dream day, but it’s something that becomes much more manageable when you consider these guidelines.

1. Determine where the money is coming from. It is tradition for the bride’s parents to foot the bill for the wedding but that is becoming less and less common. If you are getting money from your parents, or his, find out just how much that is and then decide if you think that is enough. Maybe you, or your fiancĂ©e, will want to begin saving your own money to pay for your big day.

2. Oftentimes, a big deciding factor in what a wedding budget will be is how many guests are invited to the reception. The more guests you have attending, the more expensive the wedding will be. If you are looking for a quick, if not altogether easy, way to cut costs, the best way to do so is by shortening the guest list. Keep in mind – an average wedding size is 150, a large and expensive wedding would be attended by 250 or more.

3. Something else to consider – figure out what you want your wedding theme to be. Once you have determined this, you can begin researching tips on how to save money according to your particular style. There are literally thousands of websites on the internet that provide hints as to how to cut costs.

4. One of the best things you can do to eliminate stress for yourself when you’re planning your wedding is to decide just how you’re going to spend your budget. How much are you willing to spend on your dress? Your reception venue? Your catering and drinks? These are very important things to consider and can keep you from going over your budget.

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