Monday, June 25, 2012

Stress Relief Techniques

I don’t know about you ladies but this has been a stressful and frustrating week for me. When I returned home from visiting my parents in Wisconsin over the weekend, I discovered my internet modem was dead. Not just malfunctioning but not turning on at all.  This would be a frustrating discovery for anyone but because I work from home several evenings throughout the week, and on the weekends, I realized this was going to be a huge problem. After calling AT&T and finding out I wouldn’t get my new modem until Monday, I knew I would be staying late at the office nearly everyday for the rest of the week.

Have you ever felt frustrated and felt like the universe was picking on you, just to make things worse? That was my feeling all week! Most likely, it was only my crummy attitude bringing out the pessimist in me but sometimes, it’s hard to get tough with yourself and cheer up!

Because I know I can’t be the only one who has felt this way, this article will not be about bridal showers or tuxedo options for the groom or wedding favors. It’s going to be about stress-busting tips. We all need to take a break from life every once in a while; we need to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves and not only our to-do list. 

The following are a few of my favorite stress relief techniques. Directions here are easy: read and apply. 

1.  Indulge in your favorite movie that you haven’t seen in forever. Or maybe rent a movie you’ve been dying to see but haven’t made time to watch. I recommend a funny movie, like rolling-on-the-floor, holding-your-sides funny. Example: Bridesmaids. That movie gets me every time! Plus, it’s appropriate given this is a wedding planning blog. 

Side Note: Buy a slurpee, large coke, milkshake, etc and pop some popcorn to enjoy with the movie. Eating makes people happy. Did you know when you eat during your stress-busting session calories don’t count??

2.    Go on a drive and listen to your favorite music. I heard from a friend who took a psychology class (so you know it’s true) that many people find taking a drive to be relaxing because it gives you the feeling of being in control. You’re in control of the car, your destination if you have one, your radio station – the whole trip, long or short as it may be. This is particularly therapeutic if it’s a beautiful summer night. I think another added benefit is the alone time factor. You have as much time as you want to sort out the thoughts in your head, if you want to do that.

3. Spend time with your favorite four-legged friend. Petting an animal is shown to reduce blood pressure, never mind that often pets are great company when you can no longer tolerate the presence of other humans. If you have a dog, take him or her for a walk. Then you’re busting calories and stress! If you’re a cat-lover, like me, cuddle up and take a nap with your kitty. (I am also a nap-lover so this busts double the stress for me.)

Okay, so I didn’t do a TON of research to come up with these tips. But let’s face it, sometimes we don’t need specialists or scientific data to help us chill out. We just need someone else to tell us that 1) not only is it okay for us to take time for ourselves, it’s absolutely necessary and 2) to remind us that relaxing doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated.

Already it’s the beginning of a new week and I know I’m going to be busy with extra work but we can all find time to take it easy when we need it. Don’t let life’s little stressors get to you!

Plus, you know that if it’s your wedding stressing you out, all you need to do is give Details a call :)  We’ll be sure to take a load off your shoulders in no time!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Great Groomsmen Gifts

I don’t know about you but I REALLY enjoy buying gifts for other people. My favorite kinds of gifts are those that are unexpected and thoughtful and all around wonderful. I am not so good at buying gifts for birthdays, Christmas, etc. For some reason, I struggle with the planned gift giving. If I’m out someplace and see some cool little trinket that reminds me of someone I love, I have to buy it for them. Then I need a reason for giving it to them so it becomes a two-month early birthday gift or an Easter surprise or a Christmas in July thing. You get the picture.

But predictable gift giving times, I struggle with. I forget or become distracted and the gift doesn’t get bought or given. Fail.

Maybe you are AWESOME at gift giving, unlike me, and already know exactly what you’re giving your bridesmaids. Perhaps you have been planning for weeks what special item you can bestow upon each of your friends that has so graciously agreed to be a part of your wedding day. If that is you, then gold star! You’re ahead of the game.

I don’t want to stereotype (but I’m going to) so here it is: your guy has probably given little to no thought on what to get for his groomsmen. He may be vaguely aware that he is supposed to get a gift to thank each man for his participation in the wedding party but that’s about as far as he’s made it in the brainstorming process.

Let’s help the fella out! I’ve already done a bit of research to get some ideas moving so maybe you’ll want to share these with your man.

  Idea 1: Okay, my first thought was, “CUTEEE!!!” I’m guessing my reaction will be different from any man’s. But let’s be real here, this is an awesome gift. You can do a couple different things with this, depending on your wedding party. I got this idea from Pinterest but after some quick investigating, discovered it originated on Etsy. Some creator was making and selling them but bad news. It looks like she is no longer offering them.  Sad face.  However, I’m thinking a bride or groom could either contact this creator and ask specifically for these gifts or you could make it yourself! Now, apparently that’s a bottle of wine but I’m sure you could do a bottle of Jack, gin, vodka, whatever each particular groomsman would like.  If you really wanted to make this gift jazzy, you could include nice cufflinks, too. Put your own spin on it! The more personalized it is, the more thoughtful it is.  

Idea 2: Mustaches are all the rage right now. Don’t ask me why but they are EVERYWHERE. These toiletry bags are not only humorous and personalized but functional, too. Guys love stuff they can actually use! These are also available on Etsy.

Idea 3: Once again, Etsy deserves our gratitude for introducing us to these vintage-looking cigar boxes. By cigar boxes, I mean something much more functional than that. I’m not 50 years old so I don’t know many men who smoke cigars, let alone have a need for a special box in which to put them. These boxes are handmade and painted so if you want a special design or wording, the creator can do that for you. Just ask! They’re lined with felt so they’re great for storing men’s watches, cufflinks, wallets, etc.

I hope these ideas have given you and your man at least a good starting point for the groomsmen gifts. The men and women you’ve carefully selected to join you in your wedding party are meaningful to you and deserve very special thanks. If you are finding yourself in need of more inspiration, chat up the ladies at Details by leaving a comment below or contacting one of us through the main website. We’re always here to lend a helping hand!

PS - If you haven't checked out Etsy yet, you really should. Maybe you haven't noticed but it's awesome! :)


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vintage Wedding Ideas

Hello again Details blog readers! I hope you’re having an absolutely fantastic first week of June! If you are not, then I am truly sorry but I have some news that may cheer you right up. The blog post you are about to read will hopefully inspire you and get the creative wedding juices flowing. We all know how stressful it can be to plan a wedding. I don’t know about you but when I’m stressed, what I really need is a reminder of how beautiful life can be. I might go on a walk and lose myself in my surroundings or concoct a spontaneous adventure with a good friend.  Whatever it takes to refocus and recalibrate! Don’t let yourself get sucked into the sometimes tedious details of wedding planning. You SHOULD be letting your wedding coordinator (cue Details) handle those things for you! If you haven’t already talked to Jami or Nicole about how Details can make your life easier, you should really get on that. What are you waiting for?!

It looks like I’ve gotten a little carried away. Silly me. (But really, you should call them.) Anyway, this blog post is about vintage wedding ideas. Which just happens to be MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE wedding topic! I love the idea of taking something old and bringing it back to life. Let’s take a few moments, maybe this is your mini-escape today, and explore some of the super cool, beautiful, and soul-reviving stuff I found! 

1. Do you know what this is? If you don’t, you should call up your parents and verbally berate them for depriving you of a childhood staple. It’s a Float and Sundae Bar! Such an awesome vintage idea. The classic shake and sundae glassware are adorable details that make this dessert bar special. Note the straws, too! I guarantee your guests will rave about this feature should you choose to incorporate it.

2. For a second, I wondered how I would pass this off as “vintage.” Don’t fret; I’ve figured it out. The Polaroid camera you’ll need for this wedding memory is what makes the idea vintage! When’s the last time you saw a Polaroid camera? AT LEAST a decade ago, right? Vintage enough for me! That was half a lifetime ago for some of us. (Okay, me.)

Upon seeing this, I immediately pinned it to my own wedding inspiration board on Pinterest. I adore this idea. Buy a Polaroid camera (if you can’t dig one out of your closet or attic) and leave it for guests to take a picture of themselves as they’re finding their table number. BAM! Instant awesome memories. Future memories, too. When you show these pictures to your kids in 20 years, everyone will get a good laugh out of the hair and clothing styles. Awww, bonding! 

3. This, THIS!! is the epitome of vintage. Beautiful vintage. The bold colors, the feathers, the china, the couch…it takes my breath away. This set-up probably isn’t something you’d be able or want to have for every table at your reception but it’s perfect for the head table. The candelabra and vases are items that Details offers for rental! Perfect! If you’re a Details client, you’re that much closer to making this picture perfect table setting a reality for your wedding. 

So there you have it, folks! Some super cute and original vintage wedding ideas that anyone can add to her wedding. I hope this post at least got you thinking about the crazy awesome ways you can jazz up your own special day! If you find yourself in need of more inspiration, just visit the Details’ Pinterest page where we have a board titled, “Vintage Wedding Ideas.”

Maybe you read this article and loved the ideas but aren’t planning a vintage-themed wedding. You should still check out the Details’ boards! There’s another titled, “Wedding Ideas” with all sorts of ceremony and reception pictures, ideas and DIY projects. We’re always adding new pins to our Pinterest boards so be sure to check back periodically! Don’t forget to stop by here again soon, too!

PS – If you have any ideas of your own, please share them below in the comments section! We’d love to hear your thoughts :)
