Monday, December 12, 2011

Awesome Holiday Shopping Tips!

Your One-Day Holiday Shopping Plan!

Do you have your Christmas shopping done? If not, don’t sweat it. Procrastinators and over-achievers alike, this article will suit you all! Here is your one-stop shop to getting all of your holiday shopping done in one day. Are you up for the challenge?

8:00am - Start early and eat sensibly! Choose a breakfast that is high in fiber and protein, such as oatmeal made with skim milk and almonds. This will keep you going and not crash like you would by choosing a sugary cereal or donut.

Don’t know what to wear on your day of extreme shopping? Cute-comfort! This is how you should dress that day. If you dress cute and stylish, you will tend to feel more self-confident and actually opt to buy less throughout the day. A professor of marketing research at the Sauder School of Business found that people tend to buy more when they feel insecure.

It has also been found that songs with a fast beat will keep you moving through the stores. Why not download happy, upbeat, holiday music to your playlist and crank up the feel-good tunes all day?

Everyone loves a good sale. So, after you’ve dressed in your adorable outfit, and have finished downloading your playlist, grab a free app for your phone. ScanLife is a barcode scanner you use on your phone to find out which store has the best price. You may also want to check out your favorite retailer’s websites before you leave, to check out any coupons, sales, and announcements.

Another great tip – shop by yourself. When you shop with a pal, you tend to mimic one another through purchases, and this can bring you out of budget . . . fast! If you are afraid you won’t catch all the great deals without having a shopping companion, use the free My Shopping Circle app. This app allows you to share deals with one another at the click of a button.

9:30amRun by the bank. Leaving your credit cards at home will make you more aware of how much you’re spending. Ask the teller for larger bills like 50s and 100s, as you will be less likely to break them on unnecessary purchases. It has been shown that shopping with cash slashes your total spending by 23%.

Tip: Consider purchasing the less expensive items first. Once you buy something pricey, you loose perspective on what is a good price.

1:00pmEat a smart lunch. Choosing a protein-rich salad with chicken will keep you energized. Carbohydrate-laden picks, like pizza and fries, will just make you drowsy!

2:00pm – Need a pick-me-up? At this point, you might be running out of gas, so why not treat yourself to an inexpensive mani or even a free chair massage at Brookstone! Staying in a good mood all day will help you make better buying choices. You will actually take more time to outweigh the pros and cons before shoveling out the cash.

Tip: Skip the long lines. When it’s possible, find a register in a less crowded area of the store, such as the men’s-underwear and home furnishings department. We are all guilty of impulse buys, so waiting in lines less with help prevent those last-minute grabs.

Have a cute salesperson on your hands? This is a cause for budget disaster. Research has shown that we tend to trust salespeople that are physically attractive. So, is it really the sweater you like or the handsome clerk telling you all about it?

6:00pmGet shopping done at dinner! Meet your friends or spouse at a restaurant that offers gift-card freebies. You can buy your son or friend a $50 gift card and get a $10 credit towards your dinner that evening.

8:00pm – Whew! Back at home. Still have a few people on your list? Search e-tailers like,, and to find free shipping and other discount available. Other sites such as,, and never charge for shipping.

Now sit back, relax, and worry about wrapping everything tomorrow. 


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meet Danielle!

Name: Danielle Handler

Where you're from: Home of the Bluejays, Menasha, Wi

Family Situation: I have an amazing little family. A nephew that I adore. And my boyfriend Adam of 2 1/2years.

Your favorite aspect of event planning: I love the creativity that is unique to each event. To help a client unlock their ideas and then have the ability make them happen.

What do you despise about event planning: The misconceptions people have of hiring an event planner. A few being that they won't benefit from an event planner or it will just add another bill by hiring an event planner. It's unfortunate that these misconceptions prevent people from even researching how we can help.

What your dream event would look like: In 1985 there was an event called Live Aid. It was an international fundraiser, where the most famous musicians were performing on the most important stages around the world. It reached well over 1 billion people in 150 nations. The money raised exceeded expectations. That event made an enormous impact on the world that day, and many days after. I would like to be a part of an event like this. Dream big!

In your opinion, what is the single greatest benefit to hiring Details: Our service! We follow through with what's expected, and we know that bar is high.

What do clients stress about that is unnecessary and why: The event running smooth. Details has perfected the art of creating timelines to make sure it runs smooth and layouts to assure comfort and style. These assure our clients that their event will be amazing.

If you were an animal you would be a: Snow leopard.

You're known for quality/trait: Being a snow bunny. I really enjoy winter activities and snow!

Your nickname is: B

Your favorite hobby or pastime is: Photography. Capturing moments on camera has been very influential in my life. I have family spread around the world, and those captured moments are special to revisit.

If you could travel anywhere it would be: Greek Islands!!

If you could live anywhere it would be: This is a really hard question to answer....Italy

Your favorite television show: Saturday Night Live

Your favorite quote: "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Random bit of irrelevant information: I like challenges and adventure! Snowboarding, exploring, and I completed my first 10 mile Tough Mudder on a mountain, this last July.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TMI on Facebook - What Should You Share?

Facebook, Have You Gone too Far?

Everyone uses it and has even become addicted to it at some point. You can chat, search, like, and message your closest 500+ friends. Yes, I’m talking about Facebook. It is an awesome way to keep in touch with your friends, make announcements, and even promote your business. There is a thin line between fun, quirky posts, and just down right TMI. Announcing your engagement is super exciting and why wouldn’t you want everyone to know? It is what happens after the engagement, that some posts should just be left to yourself. Here is a list of wedding Facebook-ing don’ts:

-Don’t ask your future spouse for their hand in marriage through Facebook!

-Don’t ask your friends to be in the wedding party through Facebook.

-Don’t post photos of bridesmaid dresses/shoes/accessories/etc, unless you really don’t mind to hear honest opinions of people you don’t even know!

-Don’t make a status post directing guests to your wedding registry.

-Don’t post your wedding details for everyone to view through your profile. Not only might you have random people showing up to your wedding but you might hurt some feelings from those that never received a real invitation.

-Don’t use Facebook to invite guests to your wedding.

-Don’t ask for honeymoon tips and ideas before you actually get to discuss options with your fiancé.

-Don’t express negativity about your in-laws or other personal family issues through Facebook.

-Don’t forget to consult in a professional planner for your big day to combat all of the problem situations for you! 

Additional Information -
Flash Mob Proposal
Dangers of Status Change

The Gloss

Friday, November 18, 2011

Meet Nicole!

Those of you who have already met Nicole know that she is not only a very conscientious Details staff member, but also is a kind and fun person to be around.  Somehow, the two of us can usually find the silly side of a difficult situation!

I thought that you might enjoy getting to know a few of the Details staff members a little better, so here we go!

Nicole Immel

Where you're from
Appleton, WI

Family situation 
I've been married to my wonderful husband, Danny, for a year and a half and have a 13 week old chocolate lab, Digger. No kiddos yet :)

Your favorite aspect of event planning
My favorite aspect of planning is seeing the finished product and hearing from the bride and groom how amazing their day was. That makes it all worth it!

What you despise about event planning
Intense question! haha. The thing that isn't so pretty about event planning is when suppliers try to take advantage of you and/or your client and when they do not fulfill their promises. We need to be very upfront in some situations which sometimes makes us look like the bad guy, but it's all about the client and making sure they get the best service possible.

What your dream event would be/look like
I, as well as many other brides out there, like sparkle! I also love the warm summer months. My dream event would be in mid June, somewhere near a beach with a gorgeous white tent and a ton of candlelight and sparkle. The weather would be perfect - 75 degrees with NO wind! The tables would have tall, immaculate centerpieces on silver bling candelabras with lush floral - white hydrangeas, peonies, etc. All the tables linens would be swagged (multiple layers - a planners worst nightmare!), silver chiavari chairs with sashes, crystal goblets, and unique, fun dinnerware. The ceiling of the tent would have flowing, draped white fabric and a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the center. All of this, surrounded by my closest family and friends. :) Ahhh, the perfect evening.

In your opinion, what is the single greatest benefit to hiring Details
The best benefit to hiring Details is having a knowledgeable professional there to help you every step of the way. You save so much time, stress, and even money by hiring a professional to handle the planning process. With Details, you know the job will be done right.
What do clients stress about that is unnecessary and why
Clients most often stress about getting things done all at once or wanting to do them too far in advance. We keep you on track the entire time and will let you know if something needs attention.

If you were an animal you would be
I would definitely be a puppy...and this is probably only because I have one right now, but he has it pretty good! He is so loved - he can play all day, has a never ending bag of treats, and people want to see him all the time! He is spoiled rotten!

You're known for
Being OCD with keep things organized and tidy!

Your nickname is

Your favorite hobby or pastime is
Interior decorating and switching up looks in all of my rooms

If you could travel anywhere, it would be
Anywhere in the Caribbean!

If you could live anywhere, it would be
South/Central U.S. - where the warmer months last longer and winters aren't as cold!

Your favorite television show
Tie between Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Housewives of Beverly Hills/Orange County

Your favorite quote
Everything happens for a reason. This has held true in so many situations in my life..all which have been so obvious after they've happened.

Random bit of irrelevant information
(I love what I do. I love helping people plan the event of their dreams. It's so fulfilling to be acknowledged for the impact you made on someone. I was crazy for not hiring a planner for my own wedding. Looking back, I remember how stressed I was and how many little details I missed because I had too much on my plate. Being able to take that stress away from other clients is priceless.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


from Luxefinds

Ahhhh! I have a new addiction!  Have you discovered Pinterest?  I am l-o-v-i-n-g it!  You're going to love it it too, I'm certain.  The website allows you to create multiple digital inspiration boards and label them with various topics and themes.  You can "like", comment, and follow (Follow My Wedding Board!) people who have the same interests as you. 

I'm just getting started on mine, but be sure to check it out.  I'd love to see what inspiration boards you're creating for your event so please let me know that you've started pinning.

Here are just a few of the cool finds I pinned last night:

from Luxefinds
I love cotton candy and I love planning events so this is an awesome way to combine the two.  These would make a perfect addition to our signature candy buffets!

from Martha Stewart

from Martha Stewart

Perfect, simple centerpieces for an elegant fall and a sophisticated take on chinese lanterns.  Both from Martha Stewart. 

Have fun pinning!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Ohhh Ahhh Wedding Pyrotechnics

Who doesn't love a spectacular fireworks display? Romantic and fun this can be a great way to end a beautiful wedding day and may not be as out of reach as you think.  Before you get too excited about this special effect option, make sure to educate yourself then follow the steps to see if it is feasible.

    Autumn & Drew - Pamela Luedeke Photography
  • Make sure you have the space to accommodate for setup and safety. You'll need a wide open area with at least 150' in all directions, away from people, occupied buildings, and parking lots.

  • Consider the cost.  The length of time is one measurement of cost while the other factor is quantity of fireworks for the duration.  A 30 minute fireworks display with delays between sets is not as exciting as fireworks that are boom, boom, boom . . . pardon the pun :) Although lower budgets can be accommodated, a quality 10 minute presentation will cost about $3000.

  • Hire a company who knows what they're doing.  Fireworks are explosives (duh!) and can be extremely dangerous to handle.

  • You'll need a permit.  This is typically obtained through your local governing body. The production company will be able to navigate you through the permiting process, but the responsibility is yours. Allow a minimum of 30 days for this process, but longer is better.

  • Although is seems like fireworks are frequently cancelled due to weather, in reality, rain and light snow are fine; high winds or dry conditions are not.

  • It may be necessary for you to hire security and fire protection services.  If this is a condition of your permit, make sure you fully understand the additional costs that will be incurred for these services.
Besides the standard fireworks display, you may also wish to consider gerbs.  Shown at left, these are typically used to create dramatic exits for the bride and groom, but are sometimes used in fewer numbers on the dance floor as well.

Sparklers, shown in the top image, are a way to add pyrotechnics without requiring a permit.  However, as with each of these options, you need have them approved by your venue.

Have you seen Disney's latest princess movie, Tangled?  Remember the glowing lanterns that were released each year into the sky?  Well, those are a real product called Sky Lanterns! Made of rice paper and bamboo, they are fully biodegradable and can be seen for miles.  They also are relatively inexpensive and come in a variety of colors. They symbolize prayers being raised to heaven  . . . what a wonderful way to begin your marriage!

Contact your wedding planner for assistance in coordinating spectacular displays such as those listed.

Happy Fourth of July!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What your guests are saying

What Your Guests Are Saying . . .

Everyone says it’s your day, and that’s correct, to a point. This is the day you are marrying your best friend which indeed makes it a very special event. So why are all these people here? Perhaps you’ve invited them to witness this significant occasion. Perhaps you’ve invited them to celebrate the moment with you. Either way, you’ve invited them, as in, you are the host.

As the host of any party you typically have several goals you are trying to achieve – you want to spend time with your guests, you want to interject a piece of yourself into the elements, and you want to entertain and please your guests.

Ah, so you never really thought about that last one as it pertains to your wedding day? Let’s step back and take a look at what your guests could be saying if the event is approached from the me, me, me vantage point.

• “My invitation was addressed to me ‘and guest’ even though they’ve known my boyfriend for 6 years!”
Make the effort to find out the guest's name and use it on the invitation and place card.  It's a thoughtful gesture that will not go unnoticed.

• “Our invitation came with a Macy’s registry card. It seemed like they were outright asking for a gift.”
This is just one great use of a wedding website.  Not only does it share directions, timelines, and other key information about your day, but it is also a more discreet way of sharing your bridal registry information.

• “I hate receiving lines. Who wants to wait in a long line to greet the one person you do know and 10 others you don’t?”
Consider the photo above - long lines, uncomfortable shoes, and a hot day - not exactly a combo for happy guests.

• “I don’t get delays between the ceremony and the reception. I’m dressed and I’m here, let’s keep this party movin’!”
This is your day and you want to drag it out and enjoy it as much as possible, however, your guests are busy and many do not enjoy having their whole day tied up to attend a function that in reality offers them only a few hours of entertainment and enjoyment.

• “I’ve been to receptions with a ‘social’ hour, but not cocktails or hors d’oeuvres offered. When you’re waiting and trying to mingle with people you don’t know, having something in your hand is a great way to occupy your hands and may even provide an ice breaker.”
Even if there is only an hour between ceremony and reception, it is much appreciated to be offered nibblers and beverages.  It does not have to be fancy or expensive, but it should be present.

• “If I see another 10 minute slideshow of the happy couple at age 3, I’m gonna throw-up.”
There are so many creative options for putting together a more fun video presentation as opposed to the old slideshow.  Also, the old KISS acronym (Keep It Short Stupid) is great advice here - 5 minutes or less is sufficient. Make it awesome and brief, leaving your guests wanting more, not yawning!

• “As a single person, I like table assignments. At least it makes me feel like the bride and groom have put some thought into who I might have interests with.”
Most people feel awkward walking into a room and sitting with a stranger as they do not want to impose.  While determining seating charts takes time and effort, you can almost hear an audible sigh of relieve when guests realize this stressor has been removed for them.

• “Give me limited options if you want, but offer those drinks free all night. I’m your guest.”
This is a touchy subject since it so significantly impacts the budget.  A good compromise is to offer certain drinks complementary so they have the option as to whether they want to purchase something different. It is not your responsibility to finance their drunken stupor!

• “It was a buffet. One buffet. For 250 guests. Can you guess my complaint?”
A real pet peeve of the Details' staff!  Your caterer may say that one buffet is sufficient but this is because it is easier on them to setup one buffet.  Don't fall for that.  No one wants to wait 25, 30, 45 minutes or more to eat or be interspersed with those who are already back up for seconds.

• “Dinner wasn’t served until 8pm!”
People get testy when they're hungry and it definitely puts a damper on the party vibe.  If you're going for elegant, spread out the courses, don't delay the whole meal.

• “The dollar dance seemed like a cheap ploy to drain your guests of cash.”
We agree.  What part of the dollar dance says "class"?
• “I was embarrassed for the bride. Who wants their maid-of-honor sharing information like that to all of your family and friends!”
Remind your wedding party and parents that this is a memorable event but that not all past memories need to be aired.  Fun stories can be shared, but embarrassment should be nixed.

• “I realize that music at a certain volume elicits people to dance, but it was way too loud. I couldn’t even talk to my partner!”
Grandma isn't the only one who is turned off by overly loud music.  A professional dj understands the appropriate volume to get guests on the floor and not out the door.

• “Nothing seemed organized. We waited on the wedding party to arrive, we waited to be served our food, we waited on speeches, then waited while they determined who would go first, we waited on the first dance, wait, wait, wait!”
Ah, another pet peeve!  Of course, we're planners so we really notice when an event does not flow well.  Your event timeline is critical to keeping your guests engaged which in turn creates a positive memory for them rather than chalking it up to another boring event.

• “They ran out of wedding cake. This is a huge hairy deal to me!”
Okay, so this is my personal quote and it really happened.  I admit that I'm a sweet-aholic and tolerate the main course only as it gets me closer to the cake.  Imagine what my husband had to listen to all night when wedding cake ran out before it got to the last 30-40 guests served.  Never run out of wedding cake!

So in planning YOUR day, remember to plan it from the vantage point of YOUR guests!

Friday, June 17, 2011 Make the right perfume choice for your day!

Scent-sational You!

Smell as fantastic as you look!
200 guests = 200 hugs!

Of course we all know that there are hundreds of fragrances out there and we’ve all smelled them walking through Macy’s, or maybe like Elf you have mistaken it for tasty fruit spray! Either way, fragrances will smell different on everyone’s skin as the oils and fragrances mix. It’s important to sample beforehand, but limit four or five to a time. Our noses our sensitive!

The fragrance should match the theme of the wedding.

• Classy/traditional: Floral, musk
o No. 5, Chanel
o Cocoa Mademoiselle, Chanel**
o Eternity, Calvin Klein
o Beautiful, Estee Lauder

• Intimate and private: Romantic, light floral
o Rose Essential, Bvlgari**
o Miss Dior Cherie, Christian Dior
o Pretty, Elizabeth Arden*
o Stellanude, Stella McCartney

• Bold, Fabulous, a party: Bold, fruity
o Flight of Fancy, Anna Sui
o Happy, Clinique
o Very Hollywood, Micheal Kors
o Outspoken, Fergie

• Outdoor/natural: Woodsy, fresh, floral
o Daisy, Marc Jacobs
o Miracle Forever, Lancome
o J’adore, Christian Dior**
o Romance, Ralph Lauren*

Some tips: Be attentive to the concentration: apply more concentrated formulas lightly to pulse points, and lighter blends can be applied all over. Perfumes are very concentrated along with Eau de Parfum, which are a bit weaker. Cologne is half as strong as a perfume, and Eau de Toilette is even softer. Splashes and mists are definitely the lightest and can be sprayed all over. It’s a nice touch to spray fragrance into your hair.

• If your flowers are very aromatic, go light on fragrance.

• Scents will be more potent as your body temperature increases.

• Spray on before dressing, keep fragrance away from you dress-- avoid fabric stains!

• Grab a sample capsule at the store for your handbag and reapply throughout the day!

**Tara's personal favorites
*Jami's personal favorites


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hair Comes the Bride…

There was a wedding girl, who had a little curl…all over those locks of love! Style your wedding day with not only fantastic hair, but with a hair accessory to compliment your carefully-picked-out dress. Hair accessories come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and also range from chic to traditional.

Of course floral plays a huge role in the wedding day as flowers are placed on pews, in vases, pinned on jackets, held in hands; so, why not add one or two more to your hair? Flowers in general give such a romantic feel. Add some elegance (and a great scent) to your up-do!

Wedding veils date back to the ancient Romans, and history states they were introduced to conceal the bride from evil spirits. Another belief is that the veil hid the bride’s features from the groom and kept him from leaving the altar in an arranged marriage. Either way, hiding from the groom or not, veils are still very trendy, very beautiful, and transforming for a bride. Princess Dianna’s wedding veil was 25 feet long; however, the birdcage veil is a huge hit these days, especially to flaunt a vintage look.

Also appealing to vintage brides may be feathers, pearls, and lace. Need your “something old”? Look in your grandmother’s closet!

Add some bling with some rhinestone crystals, or a great brooch! This would be a great idea for holiday brides or anyone looking to capture sparkle.

Decorative pins and barrettes, along with headbands, ribbon bands, and tiaras are also some great options. Any other unique ideas out there?

A great headpiece supplier, Margo Rouge is one of our Preferred Partners, giving a 10% discount to our bridal clients!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Preparing your feet for your big day

Happy Feet

H~a~p~p~y  F~e~e~t

It’s your wedding day! All eyes will be on you! Your dress, hair, jewelry, hands (isn’t that where the ring is?), and, especially if you are wearing open-toe shoes…your feet! Let your wedding glow shine from head to toe! Here are some tips and ideas to prepare for healthy wedding feet and great toes for your honeymoon.

1. Leading up to the wedding day, get a pedicure once a month to keep your feet healthy. If you can’t afford once a month, attempt your own and schedule every other or third month with a pro.

2. After bathing, always push back your cuticles with a towel or Q-tip, but do not cut them yourself. Let the pedicurist do it the right way.

3. Before bed (or maybe while relaxing at night) massage creams on your feet and slip into thick slippers or wool socks. Absorbing the cream will keep them nice and moisturized.

4. File the bottoms of your feet with a pumice stone regularly.

5. Schedule your bridal pedicure the day before your wedding. Avoid the day-of chaos, and the finish will be dry and shiny.

Some brides like to keep a nude or subtle look, maybe a light pink, to match their wedding dress. A French pedicure, a highly acclaimed style, appears very clean and “polished.” 
In today’s creative world, there are many expressive ideas out there using color, design, and 3D effects. Why not add some unique flair?

3D Nail-art: Incorporate some sparkle with some rhinestones and glitter.

Gel Nails: Super sparkly, quick, and many colors available. This polish lasts a very long time, definitely lasting through beach walks and hundreds of swims!

Getting a pedicure is a great event for the whole bridal party. It would be a fun option for a bachelorette party, or maybe just for an hour of relaxation and pampering before the rehearsal. Should all bridesmaids have matching toes, thoughts?


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unusual bridal bouquets

Unusual Wedding Bouquets

You plan your entire wedding around your own personality and style; where you will walk down the aisle, what music you select, the ambiance you create and so much more. However, you still see brides opting to do what is most popular, or base their decisions on what they’ve already seen. Why not step out of the box, and showcase something unique? Surprise your guests with thoughtful details and beautiful décor.

Photo One

Perhaps some of the most beautiful details to your wedding day are your flowers. Not only are there endless possibilities with shapes, colors, and textures, but why not follow-through with the theme of your day or spruce them up with embellishments? Bouquets are the easiest way to incorporate some unique detailing.

There are a few options we’ve pulled that you don’t see every day, but keep it interesting for your guests. Why not create the “ooo”, “aahh” reaction and come out with a bouquet bedazzled with rhinestones and pearls? Notice how beautiful this can be in photo one above!

Photo Two

Photo Three
Cascading options are also great, and bring in a new shape. You can choose any length and size you desire. Most often you will see cascading bouquets paired with very formal weddings, but as you see here, it was for this casual day.

You can get pretty creative with options, as seen here in these sea shell bouquets. These would be a perfect match for a beach-side or destination wedding. However, you’ll need to be careful. Shells can be sharp and you end up doing quite a bit of hugging on your wedding day! Be sure that your bouquet isn’t poking anyone!

Photo Four

Photo Five

Photo Seven
Another creative option is to use broaches and any other small accessory that creates sparkle, color, and texture. It’s very unique and would work great for a more casual wedding with perhaps a garden/outdoor wedding theme. You could use broaches from grandmothers and other relatives – incorporating your “something old” and “something borrowed” pretty easily! 

Bouquets are a great accessory to your wedding day. Make it unique to you and add a touch of flair that will set you apart from the rest!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wedding Favors - Useful or Edible!

Having trouble thinking of guest favors? Here are some great ideas:
To serve a warm gratitude, send your guest home with some coffee! Personalize the packets with your own design and style. I bet they will love the idea of coffee the morning after the party! Along with this idea, you could include hot cocoa packets for the children attending the reception.

Is your event at a country club? Sending your guests home with personalized tee’s or a sleeve of golf balls would be adorable. The guests could use them the next day if they are from out of town!

Everyone can use another salt shaker, especially these cute kissing fish. These would be fun to use at a barbeque, weekend camping trip, or a summer holiday at the lake! Of course there are many other options for designing and personalizing.

Just a spoon full of sugar for your guests! 
What sweet way to say thank you!
Is there a great candy store in your town? Send your guests home with some samples! Maybe order some personalized ribbon to add to an adorable box.

For destination weddings, luggage tags would be a great gift idea. Next time the guest travels, they will remember the special trip they took for your wedding.

If your wedding is on the beach, guests might be very thankful for this! Personalize your own chapstick, maybe include some sun screen to go with it.

Wine glasses would be a great idea for multiple uses throughout the reception. Insert tea lights and use on tables to aid as a centerpiece, or place candy inside the glasses for a quick snack! Personalize the glass and send with the guests. The stemless look adds elegance.

If you’re a wine lover, wine bottle openers are also a great idea. Personalize a cork or bottle stopper! If you have a large budget, a label could be personally designed for your favorite bottle of wine or champagne! The guests could use any of these items in celebration.

Browse the web for endless options, have fun looking!

~ Tara

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Read me before you visit your florist!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Summer brides have a garden full of options for their personal and centerpiece flowers. Variety of type and color is at its peak for the year. Use the list below as a springboard for ideas before visiting your florist. This way, you’ll have a better grasp of what you’re most interested in, what’s available, and the price range of particular flowers.

Calla Lilly
Stock - Works well for garden weddings or weddings with a traditional feel. Great for volume. $$

 Cala Lily – A popular wedding flower for its elegance, but also one of the most expensive. $$$

Lily – Due to its size, a great option as a show stopper while keeping the budget down. $$

Rose – Traditional flower that exudes elegance, love, and romance. Reasonable pricing adds to its popularity. $$

Carnation – Before shunning this common and inexpensive flower, talk to your florist about creative and modern uses. $

Chrysanthemum – Great for color and price. $

Dahlia – A full flower with lots of looks – from spikey petals, to round and romantic. $$

Gerbera Daisy – Popular for weddings incorporating bright colors and small budgets. $

Daisy – From spider daisies to pom daisies, the look is fun and casual. $
Freesia – A great alternative to orchids, but a bit more traditional and romantic in their look. $

Delphinium – Casual and leggy for an outdoor, casual feel. $

Hydrangea – A large flower with a soft, romantic, and traditional feel. $$$

Orchid – Beautiful, small, and pricey. Only for the largest of wedding budgets. $$$$

Peony – Although pricier, this is a large bloom that makes a very romantic statement. $$$


Stephanotis – A great substitute for pricier orchids. $$

Hypericum Berries – A nice add-in for bouquets, boutonnières, and centerpieces. $