Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Bridal Party experience

The Bridal Party Experience

So you've gotten engaged and are now in the process of planning your special day. Yes it can be a bit complex and you've probably heard all kinds of wedding woes. Well if you are the type of gal who dreams of having the perfect wedding, then I would suggest attending a bridal show to gain some inspiration. These can be overwhelming due to their size, but a few offer a more intimate, relaxed experience.

Details proudly participated in just this type of intimate experience last Sunday at the Bridal Party, held at the Capital Club in Columbus Ohio. It was an amazing event that brought top-quality vendors together and offered future brides a sense of comfort and relief. One bride in particular expressed that this “was the best bridal show I've ever attended”, and she'd been to a few.

Designed with a touch of romance, elegance and with a full range of information for your wedding, brides were welcomed upon their entrance by the soft strums of harpist Trista Hill and delicious martinis provided by the Capital Club. The ambiance created by the music, vendors and décor was simply perfect!

A sampling of beautiful and very tasty mini cupcakes where offered by Hilliard Cake Creations while MJ's Candy Bar provided a sampling of smaller sweet treats. These sweets along with the array of signature martinis and hors d'oeuvres were able to be enjoyed while seated at rounds of four decorated with linens provided by Connie Duglin. The tables were perfectly situated to enjoy the stunning gowns provided by Big Rock Little Rooster, being rotated by their lovely models. All women in attendance wished for a moment in their shoes under the magical hands of the staff of Nicole Revish Salon, who provided hair and makeup. Encore Entertainment's relaxing background music and the centerpieces provided by Blooms Direct rounded out the details for an elegant experience.

An element of fun was added by Caricature Art & More by Steve Campbell as he offered couples a free caricature portrait. I wish we had taken time for him to create one of our staff together!

Comfort Photography had a booth but also roamed to capture awesome photos from the day, as shown here. Check out other photos from the Bridal Party on her Facebook page.
Rounding out the suppliers was Romanoff's Classic Tuxedos, the Doubletree Hotel, Shutterbooth, Bliss Honeymoons, and health and fitness experts The Rite Bite. A big thank you also goes out to True Video who gave each vendor the opportunity to record a one minute video of their services, then compiled it onto one Bridal Party DVD for brides to take home and view.
Details offered complimentary consultations and explained the benefits of hiring a wedding planner as well as showcased a sampling of our custom save-the-date, invitation, and thank you card designs.

Follow our blog and Facebook to learn when the next Bridal Party will be!

~ Ivonne Cruz

Monday, February 14, 2011

Details interviewed on Fox 11 Living with Amy

Planning a wedding:

Creative Valentine Gifts

I have to admit – I’m not really a fan of traditional anything. Tradition, to me, screams, “Boring!” or “By the book,” which both translate into, “not special,” at least in my mind. I don’t like guys who use the same old lines, movies that follow the same lame boy-meets-girl plot, or even plain vanilla or chocolate ice cream.

Now, I know that there are plenty of girls out there who melt when their boyfriends bring them a dozen red roses and who would love nothing more than an expensive box of Godiva chocolates from their men. One of my roommates is precisely that way and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m only suggesting that it might take a little more to woo some girls. To be blunt, because I know as well as any other female that the majority of males have not mastered the art of the subtle hint, this means more work for dudes. But isn’t your lady worth an extra hour or two of special consideration? To help you out, and get your creative juices flowing, the ladies at Details (okay, me) have done a little research and come up with some sweet ideas that you might want to mull over.

1. Hand-made cards. Never underestimate how much it means to a female when you go out of your way to make her something. Your creation doesn’t have to be breath-taking to look at – it could even be chicken scratch on a folded up piece of white printer paper (try to put a little more effort into it than that) however, it will mean so much more to her if you write out your own feelings rather than picking up something a complete stranger wrote for Hallmark.

2. Scrapbook photo album. Did I hear a collective groan from men around the world? Relax. I’m not suggesting some absurd 40 page album (although I’m sure if you went to such great lengths, it would be very much appreciated!) I’m talking about something smaller. Maybe a 5”x7” notebook or photo album that you fill with pictures of the two of you together, song lyrics or quotes, and a couple of short love notes written by you. Girls love that kind of thing!

3. Cook up your specialty. Or her favorite dish. It doesn’t have to be gourmet or even romantic food. Maybe the two of you really enjoy breakfast foods so you whip up a batch of pancakes (extra points if you shape them into hearts) and an omelet to share. If your female friend is one who complains that you don’t get to spend much “quality time” together, invite her into the kitchen to help. You’ll get that special time plus a delicious meal to enjoy with each other.

Guys, the moral of the blog is this – girls like it when they can tell you’ve been thoughtful on their behalf. Just remember that a little extra effort goes a long way.

~ Meg

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Marry Me! Creative Proposals

Marry Me!

Be My Valentine!

Valentines Day is here. There is so much to say.

For some it's the Day to say “I Love You” for the first time.

For others it's the day to celebrate an anniversary.

But for some it's the beginning of a new journey.

It's the occasion to let her know how much you care for her.

A special morning, afternoon or evening to say “Marry Me”!

So here are some ideas for you lucky men who have found the One.

Why not get creative and invite your girlfriend on a treasure hunt?
Start with a clue at home, then send her on a tour of your favorite spots all over town.
When she gets to the last hint, the prize should be you on one knee.

However, if your gal frequently loves the tune of a good song and carries her gadget with her at all times. Then I would suggest you create your own podcast proposal and sneak it onto her iPod.

Now if you want to propose to your loved one in a more traditional way,
then I would advise to find a colorful or chocolate box with her ring in it and ask
the the pastry chef to make it part of the selection on the dessert tray at her favorite restaurant.

If you want to be playful then play Hangman and have the phrase be "Marry Me."

And finally if you want be thoughtful, then you can tie a red velvet ribbon from one spot in your home to another. Attach little notes recalling perfect moments in your relationship along the way. You wait at the last stop, ring in hand and ask her to marry you!

Remember that a proposal is a very special occasion that she will tell friends and strangers for the rest of her life. Make it memorable.

~Ivonne Cruz

Monday, February 7, 2011 Is wedding insurance necessary?

What If?

What if the groom comes down with a bug…?

Or the officiant fails to appear…?

What if the wedding gifts are damaged or stolen…?

Or the photographer’s equipment malfunctions…?

“What-if” scenarios like these are enough to keep any bride awake at night!

You’ve worked with a great planner, and are using the best vendors in town; how else can you protect the emotional and financial investments you’ve made?

In addition to sound planning and contracting with professional, reputable vendors, wedding insurance may provide a little peace of mind for nervous bride- and grooms-to-be.

Wedding insurance is intended to protect against financial loss in case your wedding has to be canceled or postponed due to circumstances outside your control OR if an element of your big day is absent, lost, or damaged.

For example if a key person in the wedding, such as the bride, the groom, the parents of the bride, or the parents of the groom, becomes ill and cannot attend the ceremony, wedding insurance could be used to cover the cost of postponing the wedding until everyone is back on their feet. If your photos are damaged, wedding insurance can cover the cost of reuniting the wedding party to take photos at a later date.

Wedding insurance can also cover in cases of extreme weather, no-show vendors, unplanned unemployment, military deployment, acts of terrorism, loss of wedding videos, stolen wedding gifts, or damaged wedding attire.

The premium cost of wedding insurance depends on your total budget, certain other investments such as your dress, your photographer, and your total vendor deposits, and the coverage level you choose. Some wedding insurance policies will include a deductible, while others do not. Through Traveler’s Insurance, for example, wedding insurance premiums range from $160 to $1,025 depending on the cost to postpone or cancel the wedding.

Who should purchase wedding insurance? Wedding insurance makes the most sense for couples whose wedding day incorporates risk above their personal comfort level. The wedding insurance webpage presented by Traveler’s Insurance at lists the following as aspects or factors to that might increase risk:

-A total budget greater than $7,500

-More than $5,000 in deposits

-Out of town bride, groom, parents of the bride, or parents of the groom

-Destination wedding (all guests require travel, especially international)

-Disaster prone location (hurricane zone, tornado alley, etc)

-Guests will be bringing gifts

-Member of the bridal party military, police, or firefighter

In addition, your ceremony or reception venue could require the bride and groom to carry insurance to protect their property in case of damage or additional liquor liability coverage.

Remember, wedding insurance does not prevent something from happening to your wedding (or your dress, gifts, or photos); it only financially protects you from the cost of replacement or postponement. The decision of whether or not to purchase wedding insurance is based on personal risk tolerance, and is unique to every couple. Don’t hesitate to contact Details if you have more questions about wedding insurance, or if you need help planning for the what-ifs of your big day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Charitable wedding favors

Charitable Wedding Favors

For brides and grooms looking to offer their guests something meaningful and memorable, a charitable donation is a unique alternative to traditional favors.

To find an appropriate charitable donation, couples should discuss causes (such as the environment or cancer research) that are close to their hearts and/or interests. Maybe the bride has a close friend who is a breast cancer survivor, or the groom is passionate about music education. A couple might select a national (or even global organization), such as the American Red Cross or something local such as a nearby animal shelter or children’s hospital. The possibilities are endless!

The budget for a charitable donation should be determined in respect to the overall wedding budget and potentially as compared to original estimates for traditional favors. Keep in mind that most donations are tax-deductible (and good for your karma)!

Presenting a charitable favor can be done in a variety of ways, including place cards at each setting or larger cards at each table that describe the decision to donate in lieu of traditional favors, the organization’s mission and function, and optionally the bride and groom's personal ties to the organization.

To ensure their charitable favors do the most good, couples should research each potential organization’s legitimacy, history, financial health and how much of each donation goes directly to their programs and services. Some charities and organizations will list this directly on their official website, and a quick internet search will return several charity evaluation websites. It’s a great idea to contact an organization directly to ask about an established wedding favor policy or other questions about their work.

Details can help couples budget and plan for a charitable favor, or help with any other wedding aspect. Feel free to contact our offices to discuss your big day!

Check out these donation websites:

Greater Good

Truffles for a Cause

Just Give

Outreach International
