Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meet Ashley!

The name Details is what caught my attention first about this company. No one, well, besides Jami, is more detailed than me. I believe there is nothing better than to see the end result of an event I’ve helped plan, especially after all the stress of coordinating the small, but oh so important details. I am known for saying, “I want to see action!” Action does not happen unless those tiny, but important details come together.

I am a bride-to-be myself, and loving every minute of it! My fiancĂ© and I have been together since our freshman year at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Our wedding date is set for October 2, 2010 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Remember how I said I like details? Let’s just say I had everything booked and reserved for the wedding, well besides the DJ, within the first two months of our engagement. Although my planning is practically complete, I still attend as many wedding shows as possible to network and socialize with vendors, and to continue building relationships.

My passion and drive for event planning all began through the national sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma. I had the pleasure of planning and coordinating campus wide events for over 60 women on a weekly basis. Can you imagine the fine details that had to go into that work? Although I was not planning weddings at that time, I still found myself reading the couture bridal magazines and event planning books whenever I could. When it comes to being a wedding planner, there is nothing more important than knowing the old traditions along with the most current trends.

Besides helping brides plan for their big day, I work at United Healthcare in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I work alongside senior citizens helping them plan their future health care needs. As for the fun stuff, I recently got a black lab/collie mix puppy and I am having a blast spoiling her. I live for the sun, white sand between my toes, shopping, and, of course, champagne! Cheers!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Mmmmm, Cake!

Choosing your wedding cake can be as delicious as it is exciting! There are, however, certain things every bride must know before deciding on a wedding cake and the chef that bakes it.

The first thing you need to know is that a wedding cake needs to be ordered AT LEAST 6-8 weeks before the big day. This means that you need to have all the little details figured out even before then. You need to take into consideration how many guests you plan on having because this will have the biggest impact on size, and ultimately cost, of your cake. Decide what percentage of the budget will be allotted for your cake (and other sweets, if your cake is not going to be the “main event”.)
The next steps include gathering ideas as to how you want your cake to look. If your wedding is going to be more formal, you may want a tiered cake with elaborate decorations. Keep in mind though, the more decorations and detail you want on your cake, the more expensive it will be. There are plenty of great ideas for simple, yet beautiful cakes online or in bridal magazines. Check out our Facebook album with cake ideas! Make sure you have put some thought into how you want your cake to look before you meet with a baker, which is the next thing you’ll want to do.

Ask friends or family in the area if they know of any really excellent cake bakers. This will be a good starting point from which to choose who will make your cake. Once you have selected a few different bakeries to visit, ask to see their pictures of past wedding cakes they have made. This will give you an idea of the kind of work they do. You will also want to sample the different kinds of cakes they offer (the delicious part!) and talk with them about what kinds of icing they are most comfortable with using, as that makes a difference in the way the cake is presented. Make sure the chef can accommodate the design you want for your cake as well. Talk with him or her about what some possible options might be. They are the experts!

Choosing a wedding cake is one of the most fun decisions you will make for your wedding so enjoy it! Don’t feel guilty for trying samples of multiple bakeries…you’re just trying to make an informed decision, of course!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beautiful images from our latest event! http://ping.fm/7hDcz

Monday, November 2, 2009

Change, Change, Change

Deciding whether or not to change your last name as a result of marriage is a big, and sometimes controversial, decision. Some women choose not to change their names at all while some have been dreaming of taking their husband’s last name for years. Still others may opt to keep their maiden name in the professional arena while using their spouse’s name for their social lives. Here at Details, we cannot make this decision for you, as it is a very personal one, but we can tell you HOW to change it if you so decide.

The first thing you need to know is that when you are making reservations for your honeymoon, you MUST use your maiden name! Your driver’s license, and passport if you need it, will still be in your given name. Kind of a bummer if you’ve really become excited about taking your new hubby’s name but a necessary evil, nonetheless.
You may also want to inform those you work with, especially your boss or HR department, if you’re going to change your name because your e-mail address, business cards, and financial information may all change as well. You might have to wait to change your name on tax/financial documents until after you receive your new social security card but it is a good idea to at least give them a heads up.
If you haven’t already, tell your close family and friends about your new name as well (and the spelling, just in case) because monogrammed gifts are popular and you don’t want any confusion with that.
NOW, after you’re married, and have received your marriage license in the mail – which could take a couple weeks – get your new social security card! This is needed for many other formal changes, like paperwork and your driver’s license, so it is important to get the ball rolling on this as soon as possible. If you go to the social security website (which we have conveniently looked up for you - http://www.ssa.gov/online/ss-5.pdf) you can print off the form, fill it out and take it to your local social security office, along with your marriage license, and viola! You should receive your new card right then and there.

The next step is to change your name on your driver’s license. Just take your marriage license (a handy tool, is it not?) to your local DMV and they should take care of it for you without too much hassle. However, some do require that you show your social security card with your changed name on it but it depends on the location…check before you go in.
All that’s left to do is change your name with every single organization, club and business you belong to and you’re all set! These are mostly people you pay money to…like your bank, your insurance company, your utilities…you get the idea. You should be able to send each a letter with all necessary information and a copy of your marriage license and they will take care of it. There should be no cost involved, either.
Oh, and don’t forget to get used to your new name yourself. Although, for some of us, that won’t be so difficult. Happy changing!