Monday, August 31, 2009

The ABCs of Creating a Guest List

And She's Off!

Megan will still be blogging for Details and updating our Facebook among other items while she is away at college, but she'll be missed here at the office!

We have a long list of topics we'd like to cover but also want to hear what you think would make for interesting blogging. Share your thoughts below!

A great comment was posted on 8.11.09 in response to our information on engagement rings. Check out the comment and our reply to learn about more options available to brides!
The ABCs of Creating a Guest List

The ABCs of Creating a Guest List

Creating and editing your wedding guest list is a very tricky, and sometimes sticky, thing to do. Unfortunately, resizing your guest list is a necessary part of wedding planning. Your guest list determines your budget, your venue, your catering and many other parts of the big day. It is imperative that any issues regarding your list be figured out as soon as possible in order to minimize extra stress and know exactly what you’re getting yourself into financially as well. As mentioned before, it is no walk through the park and here are some tips to help you figure out who gets a spot on your list and who gets the ax.

  • Some planners suggest starting with your “fantasy list” – everyone you can think of to invite to your wedding. This is a good place to start because you know you won’t be forgetting anyone. From there, you can eliminate those you don’t want, or need, to invite.
  • Put a star next to, or underline, those that absolutely must be at your wedding, like parents and the closest relatives and friends. These are the people that have to receive an invitation and are the most likely to attend. We’ll call them “Tier A”.
  • Next choose a way of selecting the “Tier B” friends and family. These may be distant cousins or old friends that you were close with but haven’t seen in a while. This group of people is going to be different for everyone because only you can decide if it is really necessary for them to receive an invitation. These invitees have about an equal chance of attending as they do not attending.
  • The third and final group of people is “Tier C.” These are the people that you need to send an invitation to for etiquette reasons but you really don’t expect to come. Again, this group will be defined differently for each person.

Here are some tips for narrowing down the guest list quickly:

  • If you have a tight budget, it is okay to eliminate all of Tier C. Most people will understand that in these tough economic times, cost comes into play in some of these decisions. Don’t feel bad about not inviting them – it is sometimes necessary.
  • Talk with your fiancée and family about asking that children be left out of the festivities. This can quickly knock guests off your list as well. You will need to specify on the invitations that children are not included. For example, you may want to address the invitation and RSVP to Mr. and Mrs. Smith instead of the Smith Family.
  • Thinking about inviting co-workers? Maybe just invite people from your department or your close working group instead of the entire office. Or you can nix co-workers altogether…that may eliminate a large group, too. If anyone asks, simply explain that you’re inviting only very close friends and family members. They should understand.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Details will be out of the office (in other words, not posting fascinating tidbits) until Tuesday, September 1. Enjoy your weekend!
Looking to cut wedding costs? Trim the guest list. The average cost $100pp for a sit down dinner reception. Cutting just 10 people saves $1000!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beautiful garden wedding decor!

Monday, August 24, 2009

New blog look and article! Post-Wedding Blues

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Post-Wedding Blues

A wedding can takes months, sometimes years, to plan – for a one day event! So what happens when after all the focus, effort, money and time you have put into planning this day, it’s suddenly over? Approximately one out of ten brides experiences the post-wedding blues. It can be confusing to feel sad after you’ve experienced the happiest day of your life but when you begin to analyze the reasons why you feel that way, it makes perfect sense. A day you’ve been looking forward to your whole life, or at least since you met Mr. Right, is over and now life has to go back to normal. The focus is no longer on you as the beautiful bride. To top it off, the really big decisions of life are headed your way – which house to buy, when and how many kids to have, not to mention planning the rest of your life together. It can be all at once overwhelming and a huge disappointment. It doesn’t have to be this way though, not if you know what to do to pick yourself up from this temporary letdown.

~ You just married the love of your life…this should be exciting in and of itself! You get to spend every day with your best friend, the person who knows you best and makes you happiest.

~ Planning a wedding can be stressful, frustrating and definitely time consuming. Take some time to relax. Lounge around the house for a while, treat yourself to a day at the spa, reflect on the things you don’t have to do anymore, like go to appointments and make endless wedding decisions.

~ Since you probably didn’t see too much of your family and friends while you were caught up in a wedding frenzy, spend some quality time with them now that you have the extra time.

~ The post-wedding blues can lead many couples to feel nostalgic about the days just before their wedding. Focus those feelings and energy on creating a scrapbook of your pictures and memories together, watch your wedding video or just spend a day reliving the special moments with your new spouse.

~ If you miss the planning phase of your life before the wedding, try planning a dinner party at your new home that you’ve created with your spouse. Invite friends and family over to enjoy their company and to show off your new place and life!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Adorable for a beach wedding!
Your guest list has a huge impact on the budget. Take time to make a preliminary list for a more accurate count before beginning other plans.
Thinking an outdoor event is less costly? Maybe. Maybe not. A long list of rentals and the contingency plan for foul weather can quickly add huge sums.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Social networkers check out! A free service worth its weight in gold!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Check out new the new blog update!

Prewedding Jitters?

It is perfectly normal to be a little nervous or stressed before your wedding day, whether it be a few months or only a few days prior to the event. However, it is extremely important to analyze your feelings behind these pre-wedding jitters in order to figure out if this is something you should really be concerned about.

Cold feet before your big day can be caused by a variety of different things. It can be brought on by your own personal insecurities, serious doubts about your relationship with your fiancée or sometimes just the stress of planning such a costly and time-consuming event. Some women have a difficult time with the identity shift that takes place after getting married. This usually occurs in brides who love their single life or are very involved in their career. They may have a hard time adjusting their self-image to include that of a wife or a one man woman. If you feel this may be the cause of your cold feet, here are some helpful things that experts suggest you can do:

  • Take the time to sort out your feelings about being engaged. Did you expect it to be picture perfect? If the reality isn’t like you thought it would be, this may be the source of some of your negative feelings.

  • If you’re having a hard time letting go of your single-girl image, reflect on the times and certain things you valued in that period of your life. Once you have taken some time to think about each of these things, it may bring you some closure and help you to accept the new life you will be beginning with your special someone.

  • It may also be helpful to you to determine how the different relationships you have with family and friends will change with your fiancée becoming your husband and a more permanent part of your life. You can get a better idea of the changes that are coming and be better prepared for them.

If you are having some serious doubts about your relationship or your fiancée, it may be best to go to pre-marital counseling and see the help of a professional. Issues like previous infidelities, either by you or your partner, a drug or alcohol addiction that has not been dealt with or real personality conflicts are something that need to be dealt with before you say, “I do.” In some cases, it may lead to postponing or calling off the wedding altogether. As difficult as this may be to do, it is better to end the relationship before you get married as opposed to dealing with the problems months or years down the road.

Sometimes it’s just the stresses of planning a wedding that catch up with a bride. If this is the case with you, just take some time off from planning the wedding so that you do not become overwhelmed or let your feelings about the event impact your feelings about your relationship. Heck, maybe hiring a wedding planner is just what you need!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Engagement Ring Trends

While some women may prefer the classic diamond solitaire engagement ring, others want something a little different, a little trendier. We’ve researched the top engagement ring trends so that you can be in style AND discover a ring you will love.

Colorful gems have been brought into style by celebrities. Instead of a white diamond, why not check out engagement rings with rubies, sapphires or other neutral colored gems as the centerpiece? What a beautiful way to make your ring stand out from all the rest.

Everything is about going green these days and engagement rings are no exception. If this sounds like your thing, look into purchasing a ring with recycled metals and U.N. approved diamonds.

Many websites suggest that engagement ring bands covered in tiny diamonds are the next new fad. Designers believe it makes the center diamond look larger and of course, adds more dazzle to the entire ring.

Raised ring settings are also becoming very popular as are twisted bands. These are simple yet beautiful ways to add a little something extra to your ring without going overboard on the bling.

Something that has been around for years but is definitely making a comeback is having an inscription made on the inside of the ring. This could be your wedding date, a favorite quote or something as straightforward as initials engraved inside. Or, try the latest trend of capturing your fiance's fingerprint inside your band!

There are many different ways to make your engagement ring more unique so check out the endless possibilities for yourself if this is something that interests you.

This is only a brief, brief overview of what all you can do. You want your ring to be as individual as you are.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Quest for the Best

Beginning your search for the perfect wedding dress can be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are, however, many different things to remember before you start looking. Here are some tips to make your “quest for the dress” an enjoyable and memorable experience.
Before you head out…

~ As mentioned in the previous blog entry, have in mind a specific style of dress that you want – this will help narrow down your search before you even begin.

~ Ask only one or two people close to you (like your mother or one of the bridesmaids) whose opinions you trust to go with you to try dresses on…this way you aren’t getting caught up in too many different opinions

~ Don’t plan to try on dresses while you are on your period or PMSing. Many women experience bloating during this time and are maybe not their normal size.

~ If you have a certain piece of jewelry, an heirloom such as a veil, or some other item that it is important you wear on your wedding day, take that along with you when you try on dresses. You will want to make sure everything coordinates.

~ Make appointments at the different stores or boutiques where you plan on shopping for your gown. This assures that you have the attention of a sales consultant who may be very helpful in your “quest”. Just don’t put too much stock into their opinions – many are paid on commission and may be more intent on getting you to buy the more expensive dress rather than the one that is the most flattering on you.

~ Do not wear make-up when you’re going to try on dresses or at least call ahead to see if the stores will allow you to wear it. Some do not because they don’t want to risk the make-up getting on one of the gowns.

~Most importantly, give yourself as much time as possible to find the dress of your dreams. If you can, allow yourself nine months because fittings should begin at six months before the big day.

While you’re there…
~ Figure out which kind of dress looks best on your body type and narrow your search down to those dresses (as long as you like the style, of course!)

~ Take a look at bridesmaids dresses…not for your bridesmaids but for you. You may find one in white or off-white that would work just as well as a wedding dress but it will be much, much cheaper.

~ For goodness sake, find a dress that you FEEL COMFORTABLE in! This is so important! If you don’t want to be pulling up your dress all night, don’t buy a strapless gown. If you want to breathe easily, watch out for too much boning. You wouldn’t want your day to be ruined because of your dress!

~ This is so important too – buy a dress that feels like you. Don’t let yourself get talked into a dress you don’t like or isn’t your style by someone else. Find the dress that you love and that conveys your own personal style. You want to feel confident in your dress!